Still looking for Info for a 1998 Z3300 / UT-10809

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AS Supporting Member
Nov 14, 2018
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I was given a HOMELITE Chainsaw. On the side cover is a sticker marked Z3300. On the handle end are 2 manufacturer's labels.

The white one says: HOMELITE,INC.
Charlotte NC USA 28273
UT 10809
S/N HT2530328

The Black one says: EM 08652-09
33CC Family - TH2038UB24RA
Conforms to EPA PH1 and 1995-1998
Homelite 09 - 98

I have been hitting walls looking for a Service/Repair Manual for this, and finding replacement parts for it. Most of the Parts sites I have found where this saw IS listed, have IPL exploded views for it & they
do appear to be exact for this saw, BUT the majority of replacement parts like the oil pump & muffler to Head gasket, for instance, on these sites say "No Longer Available".

I also have NOT been able to find any Service/Repair Manuals anyplace, after doing multiple searches using "Z3300" and "UT-10809" as the Model numbers, & find nothing by S/N either anyplace including the Homelite website.

I have found a few basic 3 or 4 page so called "Owners Manuals" online for the gas powered saws, but none of these contain ANY of the numbers that show on the saw's labels or any useful info or specs.

Another member here, Ray Benson is a WEALTH of INFO and has been a fantastic source of help to me on other saws I have, was kind enough to send me an IPL with exploded view for my saw, but I am now finding parts are hard to locate as most places state "No Longer Available" for most parts, INCLUDING the Air filters!

The saw is very nicely weighted & sized, has an 18" bar & chain on it, and overall appears to be in decent condition, but looks a bit neglected as far as cleaning & storage goes. It was completely covered in leaked oil & packed sawdust, which I know means nothing to anyone who just doesn't care about their tools & equipment, but that for sure is NOT me! There was still oil in the tank surprisingly due to the amount I found leaking out of, as well as in the case and all over the saw when I opened it! There was about 1/4 or 1/3 of a tank of fuel left in it & surprisingly that still smells like gasoline & NOT like varnish yet, but I have dumped that & will completely clean the carb & fuel system before attempting a start/run. A quick check of the piston & bore says it looks great inside so I expect it has or had very little actual use.

I also have 2 brand new & unused bar & chain combos which I had purchased for another saw I had been given after the manufacturer make & model numbers had been wrongly given to me. One is 14" & the other is 16" Oregon combos & the mountings match the Homelite exactly, so this would be an ideal setup for me if all goes well.

I have cleaned up the entire case & all the parts except for the carb so far, but I suspected the oil pump to be leaking & it was pretty gummed up with oil/grease and saw dust, so I carefully took it apart & cleaned that as well, but did not find evidence of any intact or crumbled seals or O rings anywhere in it, so I just reassembled it after cleaning it but won't know if it works, leaks, or just spews out oil while running until I get it all back together & running, since I know of no way to test it otherwise.

A few questions I have about all of this:
1) What does the " EM 08652-09" number stand for or signify?

2) What does the "TH2038UB24RA" number stand for after the 33CC Family marking on the label?

3) Am I correct that "09-98" is the Date of Manufacture of this saw?

4) Does anyone know if this model saw was a bad one & discontinued or was it resized and relabeled as another saw model number for some reason? I did find a site with Homelite info & it stated that one model (not the Z3300) was so bad, it was discontinued after 1 year of manufacture & sales, sometime in the 1980s if I recall correctly

5) Does anybody know if other companies manufacture saws that get labeled & marketed as Homelite (like Craftsman, some are Poulan & some are MTD), or does Homelite manufacture their own products?

5) Does anyone here have and can share, or know where I can get a copy of or actual Service/Repair Manual for this saw ?

It just seems like way too nice of a saw to be tossed away!
This may help with the older one.
Thanks Jason! I find it interesting.

If I am understanding their explanation, I have to guess that my S/N HT2530328 Translates to H=1986 T=1998 (current yr as of the date of Mfg of my saw), & built on the 253rd Day and was the 328th saw built that day(September 10, 1998 Thu)