Why are fencerow trees so curly and knotty?
On the subject of curly and knotty, has anyone noticed how trees along openings such as farm fields, fencerows and sideroads are so irregular? Well, there are two main reasons, one is that they are more subject to the elements and have little side competion, thus allowing lower limbs to grow in every direction. By the time the tree has become dominant, it has generally weathered several storms which break off branches causing an ugly tree that is subject to disease.
So what I am saying is, get some long handled pruning shears and cruise your fencerows etc., and creatively prune your younger trees till they have a nice crown with no lower side branching. You will be amazed how well they thrive and you will come to know your trees and shrubery on a personal level .
When in a mixed bush I use a slight variation of this technique by pruning Hemlocks and Pines with the bucket of my Kubota.