If its still small and your cutting a main stem off of it already it'll probably throw the weight balance off. You'll need to stake it from both sides. I use bailing wire tied to the stakes, then looped 4x the thickness of the tree (in other words the loop is 4x the diameter of the tree). Then take a piece of old hose and use it as a buffer between the tree and the bailing wire, otherwise it'll chafe through. Do it on both sides, and pull it straight up (without damaging roots or the tree itself), if you don't the tree will develop a bow at the bottom of the trunk while it grows up straight. By staking it you'll help alleviate that bow.
This is all I can recommend, and I might go completely against it when I see pics, but its generally a good idea.
Like ATS said, it'll want to lean away from the shade, there's nothing you can do to stop that.