See what all that Spam and Dew gets ya !
Must be some serious good stuff ! :msp_w00t:
See what all that Spam and Dew gets ya !
Must be some serious good stuff ! :msp_w00t:
I had 4cyl Wisconsin in the chipper a while back , the float developed hairline cracks in it and would start to sink , the last issue I had was both heads cracked , a used 50hp Kubota was cheaper than the fix plus the fuel savings paid for the swap in a year LOL
I broke my "Swede" saw today , I need a new blade .
Muh arms aren't long enough .....
Nice pic but no action there , is that at a seniors complex ????
Rainin here , I was out playin postman , now I'm into the "Arthur Rightis Medicine" since I'm old ......
Rainin here , I was out playin postman , now I'm into the "Arthur Rightis Medicine" since I'm old ......
2 truck loads home. Had to noodle half of it ! Suppose to be crab apple , never seen any that big ! 22" across HEAVY and HARD,yellar colored ? Sure acted like osage orange ? Brother said it never had any thing on the tree ,no apples or anything? Took the big Kita and a 359 I ported. They both ran GREAT !! First time I have got to use the Kita ! I like that saw !! 24" bar on it didn't slow it down a bit ! Sure is funny that flywheel caused me so much trouble ! Only ran a tank through each saw. Chains are both dull ! LOL