See food aint fattnin !!
but ohhhhhh,,them ribs they did yestidy ,,smoking for 6 hrs,,,,,,,,,,,MMMmmmmmmmmm,,,,,,,,,,.......................
and the,,and the,,and the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,welll,,,ya just dont wanna know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wouldmnt wanna make ya'all feel bad ,,,...
BUT ! !!!!! .. when ya git TWO " cordon blue " grads with 20 + yrs experiance on em drinkin and playin with the food and strutin thier stuff,,,well,,,,,
ya better be ready to eat !!!!!!!!!
me..i pay attention and lern what i can ,,..
hey John,,did i ever mention how good is pork belly beep fried on a stick is ???
diped in batter and corn meal ..