You are up too early, must be that Stihl calling you.....LOL
Haunting me already ! :msp_scared:
You are up too early, must be that Stihl calling you.....LOL
My puter or AS is acting like a old Mac , SLOW ! :msp_razz:
Noticed the rope is missing from that whacker too ? LOL Must have had trouble starting it ? LOL
Its no slower than usual on this end .
Must be my puter acting like a Mac ? But its a HP ! LOL
Might just be your server, that`s what affects my puter most times.
Morning ya bunch of slackers.
Morning Sparky !
Hows the king doing this morning? Little early ain't it?
Dog was pissed when I kicked him at 4:30 to let me up.
Awake ? LOL
Just one of them no sleep nights again. Can't stay comfy , back is POed for some reason ? Thought the new meds was helping ? No rain till Sat. now ? Maybe its the humidity ? LOL
I know its gonna come a storm in the next day when my right leg/knee gets to aching. I know its REALLLY gonna come a gully washer when both legs get to aching.
Really need to get back at my campers ! Just way to hot fer that ! And get some shelves built in my basement !
Just got to find some energy ?????? LOL
With my current influx of saws....I need some shelves too. Lol