I believe Tecumseh/lauson/power products was in recievership and the assets held by an equity firm. Last fall, a company in Janesville Wi, called Certified Parts bought up most of Techumseh's assets, including some manufacturing equipment, with the intent to supplying parts into the future.
Central Power Distributors had an arrangement with Techumseh as a regional agent, handling parts and warranty for them. They have also made arrangements with the Certfied Parts to assure continued parts service to their customers, so as long as the Techumseh parts needed were still catalogued last year, most of them remain available.
Central Power is a Midwest distributor, serving dealers in a defined territory. There are others, that may or may not be as proactive in assuring uninterupted service to their accounts, but I'd suggest most established OPE shops would figure out how to get the parts you're looking for as long as they were current items at the time Tecumseh went under.
No disrespect to Calvin: he's another small engine shop, with a website to sell parts.