I just bought a cardboard box full of Poulan 4200 Counter Vibe, serial 429322.
The seller said it is all roses, and complete except for the top ring, which he broke. He said it ran like the proverbial “real beast” (next to his 018 and MS250) and he took it apart because he wanted to paint it up “like new”!!! And also there was “excess smoke.” The carb, a Tillotson HS168A538, is set 7/8 open for the low, 1-3/8 high. Does that sound like smoke? The reeds look ok.
Before I attempt reassembly, I would like to test the spark components. Can anyone suggest how I do this?
If I cannot find 1.845 in. (46.86mm) rings as listed on the Acres site, can I go with just one, moving the unbroken ring to the top? or could I try a 47mm ring and file it for proper gap? Are they 1.5mm thick? The piston and cylinder are not perfect, but perfectly useable I believe.
There was something like hot-melt glue that fell away from the crankcase seam, making me wonder if there was a problem. Are these prone to leaking there? I don't want to split the case unless it is warranted. The crank action feels ok.
It appears that a previous, previous owner attempted to install a compression release. So there is a hole in the top cover and a brass plug in the top of the cylinder near the spark-plug hole. It does not look like it was leaking. I don't think to hole in the cover is an issue but I wonder about the brass plug's affect on ignition?
And the air filter – it is a plastic box with screen top and bottom. Do I need some good flocking or what?
Other than that, everything just looks very well used.
Any comments, advice, suggestions and recommendation are welcome.
Thanks to all.
The seller said it is all roses, and complete except for the top ring, which he broke. He said it ran like the proverbial “real beast” (next to his 018 and MS250) and he took it apart because he wanted to paint it up “like new”!!! And also there was “excess smoke.” The carb, a Tillotson HS168A538, is set 7/8 open for the low, 1-3/8 high. Does that sound like smoke? The reeds look ok.
Before I attempt reassembly, I would like to test the spark components. Can anyone suggest how I do this?
If I cannot find 1.845 in. (46.86mm) rings as listed on the Acres site, can I go with just one, moving the unbroken ring to the top? or could I try a 47mm ring and file it for proper gap? Are they 1.5mm thick? The piston and cylinder are not perfect, but perfectly useable I believe.
There was something like hot-melt glue that fell away from the crankcase seam, making me wonder if there was a problem. Are these prone to leaking there? I don't want to split the case unless it is warranted. The crank action feels ok.
It appears that a previous, previous owner attempted to install a compression release. So there is a hole in the top cover and a brass plug in the top of the cylinder near the spark-plug hole. It does not look like it was leaking. I don't think to hole in the cover is an issue but I wonder about the brass plug's affect on ignition?
And the air filter – it is a plastic box with screen top and bottom. Do I need some good flocking or what?
Other than that, everything just looks very well used.
Any comments, advice, suggestions and recommendation are welcome.
Thanks to all.