The coming hurricane season. Anyone gonna chase this year?

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ArboristSite Guru
Dec 8, 2003
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Shawnee, KS
Any predictions on this years hurricane season?
I know myself and a few others who will be ready to rock and roll if something hits. Anyone else?
I might do it this year, but the local work is good and I've been told that I cannot go anywhere a month before or after the wedding :laugh:

Maybe we'd do an extended honeymoon, though I'd have to rent a car for her down there....
At first I thought I would like to go to Florida to do hurricane work, but I have been reconsidering it. I thought if I go when it is my peak season where I live, then I am going to be losing clientele here at home. I think if you are already in Florida, then it is different situation.
arboromega said:
man im still clenaing up isabell!
Man, I just got a job to prune back a tree that was pushed over 20 degrees by Hurrican Hazel in 1957! :rolleyes: I kid you not; I am going to take before-and-after pix when I do it so my crown reduction philosophy can be recritiqued.

Same client showed me Civil War-era pictures of the house and trees when they were wee things.

I'd like to see the USA get a few years' reprieve from major storms; we got enough to do.

Went to Deltona and then Pennsacola last year. Was a great experience and we all fared well. Did get all but a couple saws stolen after I headed home, but alas . Doesn't pay to get lazy and leave all your gear in the boxes without pinning the doors....or even locking them. sheesh! Don't know if it's in the works for this year for me personally...lots of things going on at the homested..or rather the soon to be NEW homestead. Might go down in the cold months after we get into the new house....who knows.
Here we go again. The Farmers Almanac say's we'll have a Hurricane in the Gulf in July.
I just recieved in the mail from Gulf Shores, Alabama a notice to send in to request your free hurrican contractor passes. As long as i send in my app before aug. 15 they're free. Pretty cool, considering last year they cost me 125.00.
Seemed like they might be jinxing themselves if you ask me. Well if they have another at least i'll be familiar w/ the area.
How can anyone afford to chase hurricanes?
Dont you have your own clients to deal with?

Whats the big deal anyway? You wanna work 7 day weeks? And compete against evryone who owns a chainsaw and a pickup?

Sounds like a waste of time and money to me.
tophopper said:
How can anyone afford to chase hurricanes?
Dont you have your own clients to deal with?

Whats the big deal anyway? You wanna work 7 day weeks? And compete against evryone who owns a chainsaw and a pickup?

Sounds like a waste of time and money to me.

Valid points. But I already work 7 days a week. And I already have to compete with all the chuck in a truck dumb-f*&$^'s around here. The way we did it was we all went down for awhile, then I brought one guy back with me to handle business up here. We had to climb everything because the bucket stayed in Pensacola, we chipped into the dump trailer, I paid the owner 25% off the top for the job and insurance, paid labor and other costs of operation out of my 75% and made a tidy little bit of cash. I had to deal with all the clients...more or less run everything and keep track of it. I just called him every night to touch base. Worked out very well for all parties and let's face it...everybody needs an adventure every now and again. We killed ourselves down there, but the work was there and it was a change of scenary and it got us more work during the cold months than what we would have gotten sitting here waiting. The jury's still out...but I'd be game for it again.
Too funny, I got the call today. My dad. Everytime there is a named storm out there, he calls to give the "Virginia, (in a southern tone) you keep your eye on that storm now" dissertation!
I'd like to go, but it just wouldn't make sense at this time. I love the challenge of a good storm clean up (stumps only though) and getting the feel of a new area. And we have been so busy and been making good $$$.. It would be hard to justify much of a trip for storm work. So unless one hits close to home and or I can put a stump grinding crew together, I may choose to pass this year.
Daniel, you did such a good job with the one 2 years ago, maybe you should set up a stump crew you can leave run for a few days at a time and comute back and forth :laugh: PHL - PNS round trip over weekend stay under $300

If there was a crew down there I could comute to for short periods, I would go; as long as it paid well. I've more work then I can do right now, and still get up in the morning.
my old boss it trying to talk me into going and bringing my loader ... he says about 300 an hour possible .... i thinking about it
I've always wondered what would be involved in something like that. Do you just show up down there? Or do you need to contact the authorities before you go, if so which ones? How about truck/chipper licenses, in the state that you are working in and in the states that you travel through? If there is any details that I left out please advise.

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