If the stickers stay on the hat, the hat better stay at your house..
You can wear a hat with winsome little forest creatures stuck all over it and get away with it. It suits you and I think everybody will like it.
I cannot wear a hat that looks like a cross between a Disney cartoon and a bad acid flashback. Thank you very much all the same. Kinda makes me shudder just thinking about it.
I had in mind maybe putting some red reflective tape and maybe one small Pratt and Whitney decal on it. I could do that and get away with it. But cute little critters? You'd hear the laughing all the way up there.
I'll just pack a plastic hat along with me for the days when the safety man is sneaking around.
So...thanks for the thought but I think I better stick with what I have now. It's practically new, I got it in '84 and I'll bet some of the scratches will buff out.