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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
I was out there today making music in the bush with a 357 hp. chainsaw. I didnt want to overdo it, so I sliced and diced a few sticks of summer wood in 90 seconds. It blasts thru a 14" Beech in 1.6 sec. My square chain is not only self feeding, it is also self sharpening.
Using the bin as a winter transport device is a good idea.  I bet you don't even need to put a license plate on it.  I can't tell by the image - what kind of hitch do you have on it?

And it never occurred to me before, but the hearing protection probably does muffle the "thwack" of the splitting maul pretty good.  How's come you didn't post a shot of you splitting the beech...

Seriously, though, which camera/lens combo did you use for the shots?

Hi Glens, the bin is actually a rolloff and hold 3 cords level full. It only costs me 150$ to have the trucker drop it off and deliver it to the customer.
I used a Sony CD300 with Carl Zeiss Vario Sonnar lense. The pictures seem to be of less quality after I upload them to this site, even though the originals are much clearer.
Wow, that was quick.  What, do you got a laptop out there with you?

Check your yukonjohn email.

Nothing like being out in the fresh air doing a good day's work!
Nice pic's John,
splitting wood

So little leroy, tell me, did your landlady run you outside into that cold wet snow because you were splitting that wood in the front room again
Sad, but true Ken. She didnt mind the blocking of the beech in the kitchen, but had to put her foot down when I chopped it up and made holes in the carpet.
That will be 5 357's I've owned and I still don't have one, but I got an EHP 359 though. It's a little saw that thinks it's a big one.
Gypo you had snow down there in the banana belt and really worked in it , whats this world coming to. Marky said you were taking the rest of the year off and maybe next also, I didnot quite understand but something about reindeer underware , a bad rash and sore ankles :eek:
now thats a picture we all can do without
are you sure?

Are you sure your going to lose your winter weight splitting frozen beech? just kidding, I commend you for actually using a hammer while so many use a hydraulic splitter now days. Unless someone has a real fast splitter it is alot quicker to use the hammer I guess where your win with a machine is it never gets tired.
I got a basket case 357xp that I guess I should buy the parts and put it back together, it seems like it is the perfect compromise as far as power to weight so its good to get the feedback on the old girl. Can anyone tell me where the best place online to buy the parts I need? thanks for the help.

lucky001 said:
Can anyone tell me where the best place online to buy the parts I need? thanks for the help.


What parts do you need? Bailey`s would be the first suggestion since they are a sponsor and also very good to deal with. If they can`t help you, Commercial Cutters can.

I need a bunch, it looks like every thing on the right side is missing clutch, oiler, cover, everything also the coil is missing. I've been hanging on to this to see if another parts saw would pop up it would probably be the easiest way. what other saw would have parts that would fit the 357?
Russ how did you come up with the handle jokers or what is you last name?

Thanks again guys
Hey Lucky001,
I thought the best way to fix a Husky
was to take off the chain, put it on a Stihl and throw the rest away.

Hi Lucky, for the most part a man on a 6# maul will outsplit a guy on a hand fed splitter. Mainly because of the extra handling involved as long as it's wood out of the bush and not fencerow stuff. Splitting is one of the best way to get into shape and lose that winter fat.
I hope you get your 357 up and running, it's one nice saw for sure.
Ed, the snow's piling up outside quick.