Try a 20 oz. plastic drink bottle. You won't spend money on a throw bag/ball again! You can adjust the weight easily and they don't cost you anything. I've been using them for the past 7-8 years. You laugh! But, I'm not kidding! Try it, you'll like it. People get a kick out of it when they see me use it. It is kind of funny but you'll be amazed at how well they work. (Mountain Dew bottles are the strongest)
One clear advantage I can see is there would be no getting it tangled in stringy limbs...What do you do?...Tie like a clove hitch underneath the cap or something???...How do you throw it?..Using the string,or do you just chunk the bottle??....
A slip knot or any type of loop and put it below the lip that is below the cap. Use a pendulum motion and let 'er rip! With practice and finding the right fluid level, you can easily hit a limb 70' high.(I've thrown over the top of a 90' pine, no kidding)
10 oz is all I'm legally allowed to use...people run screaming from the area when I am seen with a roll of slingline and that little lead shot bag...shutters are drawn to protect the glass and hard hat signs sprout up half a mile away...
A collective sigh of relief is heard when I give over the bag to my groundies
I've even tied my slipknot wrong and launched a ball 3 doors down.
I like that pop bottle idea...might have to try it out sometime.
That's funny, Bermie.
Oooo, there's anothr Redneck one for you... If the bed of your pickup can be mistaken for a dumpster...