It's a real tight fit ... no doubt about it. You can see from the edges of the plastic casing where I grabbed it (pretty dern hard) with a pair of needle nose, and then just pull it straight out. It is seated in there pretty tight for sure.
It's from a 6800i (similar to your 120si but with a different side plate and chain brake). It's an eBay saw that had had a massive piston/ring seizure at the exhaust port. I haven't nailed down what did it yet. (I'm a newbie at bring saws back from the brink of H311!.) At first I thought maybe the choke injector was opening when it was supposed to be off, with the result that the user compensated by adjusting the H & L needles down (leaner). Then, if the injector started closing, vavoomm, the saw would go into a lean seizure.
I tried squirting WD-40 thru the H and L needle ports to see if they are open. It looks like the L side is jammed up. (Uh oh) The H port squirts right thru. The Low port ... nothing but blowback. Not a drop out the three low jet holes. Maybe I need to pull the Welsh plug, which obviously I've never done. I'll try some carb cleaner tomorrow, before I try that. So, that may also have been the cause.
I will add that there is some strange white stuff in my gas tank. At first, I thought it was just crud from dried out gas. So I kind of ignored it, until I noticed that the L ports in the carb are jammed. Then I scraped at the crud, and it was rubbery, like latex paint. So, I tired some crappy paint remover (BIX) and the white mystery lifted off, leaving some black stuff underneath? (Wha!) So, I have no idea what it is/was. It looks like most of it washes out with clorox. My initital cleaning with 409 didn't touch it.
So, maybe something did clog up the Welsh plug. Could it be that somebody dumped white paint in the gas tank. I think the saw was a rental at one time, so that's not impossible. It's turning out to be the saw from H311, so I'm kind of getting my brand of chainsaw revenge ... by fixing it up.