Time For Some Big Saw Cuts

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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score

One pass, 088 Stihl, Virginia. Lets see some big wood!!!!!!!
Last edited:
This is the only big cut I have a pic of.

That is an 066 with a 36" bar. Not the biggest tree I have felled, but the biggest with a picture. lol
This is huge in these parts. The standard issue bar length for the loggers in the area is 20"


CaseyForrest said:
Thats it?? I could chew through that with a 455....Ive even got a 36" bar for it.....probably faster too.

Freakingstang said:
This is the only big cut I have a pic of.

That is an 066 with a 36" bar. Not the biggest tree I have felled, but the biggest with a picture. lol
This is huge in these parts. The standard issue bar length for the loggers in the area is 20"


Are those burn marks on that log?
spacemule said:
Are those burn marks on that log?

The two black spots? I don't think so, cause they were all the way up the butt. I'm not sure exactly what those are.

Freakingstang said:
The two black spots? I don't think so, cause they were all the way up the butt. I'm not sure exactly what those are.

The marks look like what I've found from steel or iron in a tree. Found a 3/8" x 4" long eye bolt that had grown over in a large pin oak a while back. Dad and I kept splitting the wood away until we isolated the steel. Lucky you didn't hit anything!
buzz sawyer said:
The marks look like what I've found from steel or iron in a tree. Found a 3/8" x 4" long eye bolt that had grown over in a large pin oak a while back. Dad and I kept splitting the wood away until we isolated the steel. Lucky you didn't hit anything!

I did hit a small piece of barbed wire on the oposite side of the marks, it took the edge off real quick. lol I had the file on hand after that, but never seemed to hit anything else. The trunk section is still sitting where it was dropped, and I cut it twice and saw the black marks 10 foot or so up the trunk. We ran out of daylight before i finished cutting the butt log, so it is possible there is still something in there. I'll have to be extra cautious when I go back down there to finish it in a week or so.
what they are

Freakingstang said:
The two black spots? I don't think so, cause they were all the way up the butt. I'm not sure exactly what those are.

I can tell you they are stains from nails or wire in the tree. I suspect there was a fence nailed to that tree years ago. The iron leaves a stain that can go many feet up in the oak tree but not so far in a walnut.
Barbed wire

Normally the barbedwire fence is only about 4' high and the stain goes up another 6' so you lose the first 10' of any oak tree on a fenceline, if you are going to saw it up into boards. Just to be safe use the first 10' for firewood. Whether it was a three strand or four strand fence it's usually only 3 1/2'-4' high.
what about using a metal detector?

geofore said:
Normally the barbedwire fence is only about 4' high and the stain goes up another 6' so you lose the first 10' of any oak tree on a fenceline, if you are going to saw it up into boards. Just to be safe use the first 10' for firewood. Whether it was a three strand or four strand fence it's usually only 3 1/2'-4' high.
Read and Weep, huh

Read and weep, why. It is a big tree pic thread, maybe you miss the point of the thread. Its not to see who has cut the biggest tree. BTW, nice tree, not bad at all.....
geofore said:
I can tell you they are stains from nails or wire in the tree. I suspect there was a fence nailed to that tree years ago. The iron leaves a stain that can go many feet up in the oak tree but not so far in a walnut.

I milled some water oak a week or two ago with the same blue stain. I dug into it and found nails. You might find it interesting that when you cut or sand many types of hardwood, including some oaks, the dust that settles on you will stain your skin the same color. I've left the shop many times looking like a hybrid smurf!:blob2:

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