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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
Hi there, how's this for a stupid question? Answer: ask the Americans how to manage hardwoods, ask the Scandinavian countries how to manage softwood = Canada.
Questions like this are just an indication of the huge resource that we still have. Imagine if we looked after it as we should.
Forestry is as complicated as it is simple. It just amouts to a sencitive judgement call.
Jock, the Tree Hugger
Now that's a can O' worms! Look at all the issues. Even reforrestation has it's flaws, as it is usually the most profitable types of trees, that are chosen to repopulate after harvesting, not necessarily what was native to the area, or even the country. There are resources to be sure, and we have an advantage over other countries with higher population concentrations, in that we have a long way to go before we crowd out the forrests, but...

And there is always a but. What forrests do we want? There is only so much old growth wood out there, and as we see in the lumber industry, there is a big difference in one man's wood to anothers. Sure, some trees are profitable in that they are fast growth, and in demand, but there has to be a balance somewhere, and old growth/slow growth wood makes better lumber. There's answers out there, and that's a complication too. Many answers are right in their own ways, but put the forrest industry on different paths.

Too bad we can't ask a tree....

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