tips on adjusting a Mac 125 SP

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 19, 2002
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Hey all I will be using a Mac 125 SP next week to do some hazard tree falling in some campgounds mostly Red Fir, Lodgepole Pine and Ponderosa Pine. Question is what are the tips to adjusting the carb on this saw or is it like the new saws. Our RD has 3 of these saws with probably 30 to 50 hours of use on them over the years. They were the main falling saws for dumping burning snags on Lighting fires but they have been replaced with the husky and stihls now they just sit in the locker going unused because they look intimidating copared to the newer saws. I have used all the larger stihls and huskys but have never used one of these macs so I am going to give it go. I'll try to take some pics and post them when I get done. We also have a Mac 895 Gear driven saw that looks like a bad ass saw never ran one of those either maybe give that one go and see what differance is between a gear diven and direct drive saw is. thanks for replys.
if the saw is a model 600076d, there is only a high speed adjustment screw on the carb. just set it so the saw 4-cycles rich slightly at full throttle- no load, and you're good to go. wanna sell any of them 125sp's? if so, e-mail me.
Thanks for the Reply i'll try it out. Sorry but these are Govt saws and we cannot sell these.

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