I am not sure that experience or products that worked for you in the past are going to work as well with the new fuel......it has changed significantly over the last few years. My uncle has antique cars and we used to be able to let the cars sit for a year or two and still get them started - now the fuel turns bad in less than a year and can completely clog up the brass carbs and copper fuel lines. We are planning on changing them over to 100LL Avgas for the longer storage ability - not for the extra octane. Strangely enough - the old cars actually run smoother on Avgas - not because of the extra octane but because of the better vaporization in the primitive cars. He has a 1902 Olds that drips fuel over a wire screen to vaporize the fuel in a primitive mixing valve and it won't start or run on the new fuel - but it runs on Avgas just fine. Unless you have a very friendly local airport.....Avgas can be very hard to get.....the airports get real funny about not pumping it into an airplane. Some of the local gas stations carry "racing fuel" for use in high performance cars - but I don't know if it has alcohol in it or not or how the storage life is. We don't really need the extra octane....just better shelf life.
I use Stabil in all the fuel that I put in fuel cans as it can be several months before it is used up. For seasonal changes everything should be run out of fuel. Mowers and trimmers should be drained and run until out of fuel in the late fall, snowblowers should be run out of fuel in the spring, etc. My mother was just letting her mowers sit over the winter with fuel in them as she has always done......and recently they would not start in the spring. I found out that although the engines would not start on the fuel in the float bowl - if you drained the float bowl or just put enough gas in the carb to get it started the engine would run. I believe that the volatile parts of the gasoline evaporated from the float bowl vent and just left alcohol behind - and once the fuel in the float bowl was run out the engine would run and would start again on the fuel that was in the tank.
I will let you all know in about a year the results of a test I am running. I have regular and high test fuel, regular and high test with Stabil, 100LL Avgas and 100LL Avgas with Stabil, and high test and 100LL Avgas mixed with oil all in seperate bottles with vented lids. The bottles are all in my garage and the fuel level was matched in each bottle. I am watching them to see when the fuels starts to appear/smell bad - and what kind of deposits are left behind. The vented lids will act like the vented fuel tank or carb float bowl and allow the fuel to age as it would in your equipment - I don't think much will happen in a sealed container. I am thinking about moving them to the pole barn - as the temperature swings there are much larger as it is not insulated.