Today, Wood heated me more than twice!

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Dec 10, 2004
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Karlstad, MN---Where the earth meets the sky.
1989 Chev K2500 extended cab 4X4 and 1955 Dodge 1/2 ton pickup box trailer.

Sorry, no pics on this one. Went out this morning and cutting was going great. My boys were loading after I would cut for awhile. I saw some nice wood towards the river and wanted to get closer to it when I cut to speed loading. They had a couple inches of rain, but I was about 10 feet above the river on top of the bank. I dropped into a wash hole with the pickup trailer(one tire) and could not get any traction since the pickup was empty, so.....we moved all the wood from the trailer into the pickup for more traction. I also took off the trailer so I could get the truck out and then put a chain on the trailer and get it out of the pothole. So........the weight of the wood made me sink on one side of the pickup(the side towards the river). I tried rocking it out gently, but that got me buried to the frame.:censored: I could still move about 3 feet forward or backward, so after cursing the fact that I drove too close to the river and making a fool out of myself in front of the kids, I decided to try to throw some wood in the ruts and see what happened. This was AFTER we emptied the ENTIRE load of wood out of the pickup(the same load we threw in from the trailer just a few minutes before).:chainsaw: :chainsaw: If this didn't work, it was tow truck time. I threw in the 2" diameter pieces behind the wheels, then drove onto them. Then I put wood in front of the wheels and repeated a few times. I raised the truck about back to ground level. I gave it the gas and made it out. We were all exhausted and I didn't dare cut as tired as I was. So.......2 hours wasted and only a pickup load of wood to show for 5 hours of work.:chainsaw: Could have been worse..........Picked up some nice 22" Oak and Ash for this year....Standing dead and bone dry.
I wouldn't feel too bad. At least you were able to get the truck out, and you gained some experience if it should happen again. The boys learned something too. I enjoyed the story. Gave you some rep.
So was the truck 4x4?

Yep. I like driving in the woods in Low so I can go real slow since the grass is 3 feet tall and it is hard to see the deadfall. It is a manual transmission(newly replaced), also. Dad always told me to stay in 2 wheel drive so if I get stuck, I can throw it in 4X4 and get out. However, this time, I don't think it would have made any difference. I know that I am staying farther away from the river next time!
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good one (story that is)

I feel for ya. Last winter my stepson and I went out to cut wood in a wooded pasture. The storm a few days before had made a drift at the gate about 25-30 feet wide and about 3ft deep in the center. I said to him "oh hell this old power wagon can go through that with the run we can get. I was almost right. we were abut 4 feet from through it when we got stuck. It took about a half hour to get to where we could back out with my son saying all the time "if we get out of here we go home", well I backed out into the field and said "what ya think?" Giver hell was the reply, and away we went. This time we made it through and got a load of wood cut and headed out. This time with a load we made it OK, he loves to remind me of it. JR
Getting stuck is a wonderful thing, gives you time to view the scenery while you sweat and curse.
Back when I was actively destroying forestry vehicles, we had someone scout ahead for hazards, sometimes it even worked.

Hey Bama, I still have that 600D. I got the cover, ran it some, it's a great saw, thanks again.

Those things happen. If you arent trying and failing to some degree, you are doing anything. I have buried my truck quite a few times cutting wood, and on jobsites. Smart move to use wood to bring the truck up out of the rut. I sent ya rep too. I cant wait until my kids are old enough to go with me on "firewood missions".
Years ago, I needed tires really bad but decided to cut wood anyway. My source was down a pretty steep hill, guessed the same river. Well, I knew I could get down the hill to get to the wood, but I also figured that I needed the wood to give me the traction to get me out. Only had one saw back then. First pull and the recoil spring breaks. Oh :censored: . It took me about an hour of driving sideways up the hill and around trees to get up. It was a great reason to look at another saw as a backup!

The boys really are starting to do their part. My oldest is 12 and my youngest is 9. I might have taken a rest and gone back to cutting, but we had to get back for Saturday Mass. My oldest plays piano for church.