I am in the process of redoing a Husky 350 I got fairly cheap on eBay.
As received, it had a LOOSE plastic intake clamp, original dished 45mm piston, and a worn ring. Original squish was 0.033" (with the 0.015" thick OEM base gasket), and it gave 90-100 PSI compression (sucky, I know).
Installing a new Caber ring upped compression to 120 PSI.
Swapping out the dished piston for a new Meteor 45mm 353 piston upped compression to 152 PSI.
I was concerned that a base gasket delete would give a squish of only 0.018"...maybe a bit tight (but I'm not sure about that). I ended up cutting a base gasket out of a magazine cover, assembling with Permatex 51813, which gave a final squish of 0.026", and final compression of 169 PSI.
The biggest hassle I've run into so far in working on Husky 350's is the ridiculous freakin' metal intake clamp. It's a royal bxtch to get closed, whether I'm using needle nose pliers or small vice grips. WHY couldn't Husky have just used a Stihl-style screw driven hose clamp for their intakes?