Tomorrow what are you all up to?

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I get to see what the tree service contracted by the local power co. left me after trimming along their lines today. Like a box of chocolates! :biggrinbounce2:
And maybe a trip to the Husqvarna dealer to leave more cookies for Santa Clause. ;)
Long week of plowing snow....Pounding BUD LIGHTS at the moment next to the wood stove.Deal with hangover in morning catch up on sleep.More snow comeing Sunday and Monday.Is it summer yet I have PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrom)

i have pms but its (Parked Mustang Syndrome)


thats my baby!!!
Putting my chains on the skidsteer tomorrow AM then in the PM our town is having their annual Christmas celebration. We are working a storefront where kids can "buy" a gift for their parents for free. We got a bunch of really great stuff donated as the gifts. Ought to be fun.
i have pms but its (Parked Mustang Syndrome)


thats my baby!!!

Nice Mustang...I'm a Ford man myself 99Ranger Restored 79F1504x4(in storage can't afford to feed the big block)But on a nice summer day my true love is my 95 Electra Glide.
Have a good night my friends... remember beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
removing mice from hvac in a nearly new car i hardly drive,keep in the garage, keep very clean, and low mileage on.:cry:

then a crank position sensor on one jeep.

then figure how to raise enough cabbage to fix the 'niner' (the other jeep).

oh yeah, i have to use the 361 to cut the bottom off the christmas tree.:)
Gonna leave the house at three in the morning and drive to deer camp. Go hunting till about ten then all of us will meet back at camp and take everything down and pack it away for another year. Then sunday will get up and hunt till about ten again then will come back to camp and pack up my antique old camper. Drive about two hours and put all my deer hunting stuff away untill next year. Then next week i will probably run four gallons of gas through the blower on leaves. Gotta ton of them. Okay sorry, got carried away and went past
Hunkering down for our first winter storm... I'm ready with the saws and generator. Just went out and more gas.

Snow predicted too...

I see there is one limb in the yard so far. I shall be trying to figure out which storm window goes where, and then finishing the new hot tub cover project unless there's tourii stranded behind down trees and the trees are hemlocks so the woodcutters won't cut them. Then Twinkle might have to work. I don't have a generator, but I have beers and Yukon Jack.
Nice Mustang...I'm a Ford man myself 99Ranger Restored 79F1504x4(in storage can't afford to feed the big block)But on a nice summer day my true love is my 95 Electra Glide.
Have a good night my friends... remember beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

79f150 huh 351m i presume???
Up at crack of butt and get to cutting, have 14 cords of pine outside and a big ol storm coming sat pm, posed to be a high Sun of -1, sure wish I would have taken care of this cutting a long time ago. Winter is really hard to predict, this y:cheers: ear it is after fall. Poor planning on my part now constitutes an emergency
gotta snow blow the driveway, finally enuff snow for the new husky snow blower. been itchen to break er in.
Gonna send SLOWP and Lakeside53 some better weather!!!Better than here!!!!:greenchainsaw:
Actually we are in for some snow/wind and a cold snap -28c so I am
staying inside!!! Projects!!:cheers:
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