Today's tree was an ash with a codom failure last night. The weight of the plump seeds tore it off. pic 1 is a view of the top, which had been hacked off 5-6 years ago. BS story at that time was lightning damage; I suspect construction injury that someone with a saw overreacted to. pic 2 is a view of the wound from the codom tearout. Most of the trunk was intact so I gave it a prognosis of safe survival for ~5years.
At that point I figure that the decay from the top will meet the decay from the codom wound, and the added growth of the crown will strain the defect enough to be a high risk. They will plant replacements this fall, and whack the ash in a few years.
Anybody recognize the black crud in pic 3? It's on the surface so far; hasn't killed the cambium; don't know if it is a pathogen. Funny that it only grows at the nodes.
pic 4 is a girdling root on another ash that I chiseled off. Some of the bark seemed grafted so I left it.
Comments welcome; don't be shy.
At that point I figure that the decay from the top will meet the decay from the codom wound, and the added growth of the crown will strain the defect enough to be a high risk. They will plant replacements this fall, and whack the ash in a few years.
Anybody recognize the black crud in pic 3? It's on the surface so far; hasn't killed the cambium; don't know if it is a pathogen. Funny that it only grows at the nodes.
pic 4 is a girdling root on another ash that I chiseled off. Some of the bark seemed grafted so I left it.
Comments welcome; don't be shy.