3 strand nylon rope has a 70% elongation factor,before parting.In other words a 10" piece will stretch to 17".When I was in the navy,I saw 2" line stretched to the point the strands where perfectly straight,and about 1 " in diameter.When that line parts,all that potential energy,becomes kinetic.If it has a 30,000 lb breaking strength,it will snap back at 30,000 lbs.No matter what you use,chain, wire rope,nylon straps or line,they are ALL,without exception ,dangerous on the recoil .The main advantage of nylon,is the fact that it absorbs the shock,and in a way transfers the towing or pulling vehicle's mass[potential energy] ,to kinetic energy,in a way that doesn't usually damage things,or cause accidents.I myself,have a 20 ft piece of 1" nylon line,for a snatch strap.