Thanks for being happy for me, teamtree. I have turned down a job recently, actually where the client wanted me to remove the central lead out of a 6' dbh Quercus rubra that was dead due to a 45 year old lightning strike. He asked for my advice and if I would give him a price on what I recommended. I recommended complete removal. The tree would not be able to sustain much longer and the central leader was so decayed I would not even want to tie in to it. It was a crane removal for sure. I gave a very reasonable price, and explained why I would not just "remove what would hit his house". The tree was situated so that the other two main limbs (24" dia) extended over two neighbors properties. From the looks there was a crack that ran from the top of the central lead all the way down to the base, and it was at least 2 inches wide at the bottom. If I did what he originally wanted and "just took out the middle", I would be negligent. I would feel horrible, and lose everything I have if someone were killed because I just wanted to get in there, get a buck, and just do what the client wanted.
I gave my price, and he ended up getting someone else to "get the middle out"....and it looks atrocious.
That is an extreme situation. But I have had much success with educating my clients as I prescribe my services for the right reasons. I try to balance the clients needs with what is practical, arboriculturally correct, and safe.
So I lose a client that could have cost me my business if later on that tree killed someone, I'd rather that be on the hack's shoulders than mine.
On the note of proper pruning. If someone asks me to lion tail the tree like that, and I were to do it, I feel that my quality of work would be compromised. I will not do a job that I cannot be proud of. Its not just wood.