Arnold Arboretum
The Arnold Arboretum in Boston has been hit HARD by the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA). Of the original population of 1,900 hemlock trees, all have been infected. 300 have died and been remove and 70 percent of the rest are in serious decline and will probably be dead in the next two to five years.
Here is some information from them on HWA:
"This relative of the aphid feeds with lethal effects on North American hemlocks (species of the genus Tsuga). Native to Eastern Asia, HWA was discovered in eastern North America in Virginia in the early 1950s and has since spread throughout the Mid-Atlantic and into southern New England. Researchers studying the insect have observed mortality rates of close to 100 percent among infested populations."
Note: "Preliminary research indicates that an Asian species of hemlock, Tsuga chinensis, is resistant to hemlock woolly adelgid."