Arrgghh Nate, I nicked my bluestreak too! 50 foot mark. Crap, eh? It's too slinky. I'm going back to Arbor-Plex.
Golfcourse, remove top of 250-yr live oak - city's bucket can't get to it (or the workers didn't want to). Call Reed.
It's wilting, tested positive and periphery giants all dead - injection mania and cost-plus attitude. The only symptoms at the top so remove it and hope for the best on the rest.
Up there, tallest tree, early morning, watched the sun rise in the east. Took a few minutes to just contemplate the beauty of the view. No golfers comin' thru, no mowers running, nothing but me and my 020T. Started her up and began sending huge limbs down - knocking-off all the dead below in the process. The layout of the growth made this topping unique, really got into the dance. All of a sudden a Lear Jet blasted over not fifty feet up. Take-off and full burn out - I felt the heat a moment after being took by complete surprize. Wobble de do, hang tight and yeehaw. The runway was right there but some reason made me not even think about from the start. No planes either when I started so I guess I was just not expecting a 10 megaton blast right as I cut too close to my rope. Rope got the nick as I freaked from the surprise blast.
Either way, way cool. Another experience with something new - low flying aircraft while high climbing tree. Turns out I know the Lear guy. It's only a toy to a trust funder, but he's okay for a rich boy. He didn't look back to see I flipped him off.
Ah well, it still went good.