Two Questions -- Trans-Ontario Road Trip

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Jun 6, 2001
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I will be going to Buffalo, NY later this week, across S. Ontario. Are there any "must-see" saw shops along the way? A detour may be in order, as the final destination is the wife's family reunion. Being a couple of hours (or a day) late for this 3-day extravaganza wouldn't rub any skin off my nose.

Now, for the second question. Since the exchange rate is still quite favorable, I will seriously consider the purchase of a new Stihl 066+ or Husky 385+ class saw. I would like to have this one tuned up, as I love running my 372WXP. I recall seeing a thread some time ago weighing the various merits of the several saw builders' work, but haven't been able to locate it after a couple of hours searching. (I did, however, enjoy reviewing the threads that did come up from the searches). Could someone direct me?
I think you'd have to pay "duty" on a saw you brought into the U.S. from Canada. Our northern saw building brothers surely have more insight on this matter.
I'm sure there are but if I bought a new saw in Canada, I'd want to take it in the car with me, not ship it to myself to be "repaired" ;) . After 9-11 I'll bet it's harder to sneak anything accross the border.
Nothing to it...I snuck a pack of gum across the border & never got caught...Rick

Creep on sneaking stuff across the border...:eek:
i've been driving in and out of canada since i was 16. now i find out that i need my birth cert . to cross the border. as one border patrol asked"don't you know your country is at war?" the amount of alcohol on board was not a concern.
Not that I would ever do it, but I'm sure an old receipt from your local (American) saw shop could be 'modified' to make it appear that you had purchased a new 3120 at your local dealer. Do you honestly think some guard is going to make a phone call to verify with 48 cars behind you blowing their horns? :blob6:
You could always bring a cheap siezed saw in with you and hope they just list it as a "chainsaw", then lose it in Canada when you bring your new 066 "chainsaw" home though a different crossing.
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Hi there, if you purchase a saw in Canada and want to forward it to the U.S of Eh, just UPS it or mail it to your home as repair and return. U.S residents can declare 500 U.S across the border, without duty, but a saw is only worth what you declare it at.
I live about 3 hrs from Buffalo, so if you drop by here, I will get you your best deal in Canada if you buy the beverages.
Don't do-it...the beverages will cost you at least $1700 American, and 5 times more if you try it in B.C. ........................Just ask
D. Babcock...................................... .................gotta love them periods huh Doug................................
You might find the duty payable quite reasonable-you and your wife are allowed a certain amount duty free, and I know for us the next $500 or whatever is charged at a flat rate regardless of what the goods are. Some goods are not duty paid at all because of "free trade"-check with customs before you leave. And you can apply to get the Ontario 8% tax and the 7% Federal Goods and Services taxes back on everything you buy here. The dollar fell two cents against the greenback the last two days so now might be a good time to buy.

Agree border guards can be really anally retentive, and now that the US is "At war" I am sure there are a few on both sides of the line walking about with really swelled heads. I have crossed from Quebec to Vermont hundreds of times in my life and the last took the cake, going and coming. If a terrorist had half a brain he would cross at one of the dozens of unmanned road crossings, especailly out west, or across the St Lawerence at Akwasasne Reservation which straddles NY, ON, and QC., along with all the contraband that the Indians and the Mob carry there. Unless there is a huge increase in $$$$ spent on security this border is not inpermeable.
Yeah, Bob, he might get the best deal in Canada on the saw................... but the hidden costs could easily run him 2X the saw price, and that's only if he stays out east.

Lambert's Logging and Aluminum Can Recycling, Ltd.

Be prepared for long lines at the crossing back into the US at Fort Erie/Buffalo. Avoid a Friday or a Sunday if possible. I do not know what the sit is like crossing from Michigan into Ontario-Sarnia or Detroit???

If coming from Detroit, the 401 is one of the busiest highways in the world, and lots of idiots, both truckers and car drivers are on the road. 402 from Sarnia would be less travelled if that is an option. Keep your speed below 120 km/hr (72 mph) and the OPP will not give you a problem. Fill up with gas before you leave the US as fuel tends to be more here even with the exchange-it is $2.80 Cdn a US gallon here right now, $1.80 US per gallon roughly.

Can not speak of saw shops, but you might find Mennonite country near Kitchener-Waterloo interesting-very similar, infact relations of the Penna. Dutch. I am sure they sell a lot of hand saws there as the old order do not believe in much technology, although many of them were forced to get coolers for their milk or face going out of business due to health concerns.
Thanks Doug for pointing that out. Buying a Canadian saw in the East will cost only 2X its value once the purchaser arrives back in the U.S., however if the saw is bought in Rocky Mountain area of B.C., it generally costs 4-6X its value due additional expenditures, such as 5000 budwiesers for everyone in town. When was the last time you saw 5000 beverages disappear in 13.7 sec?
All vistors to Canada should bring lots of cash, and please stop at the duty free store at the crossing so it doesnt hurt so bad when you buy those 50 flats of Bud and 20 logs of Skoal.
Customs Canada in affiliation with ALCAN
Thanks, Jumper. I'll plan on going via Port Huron/Sarnia. Besides, I haven't been over the Blue Water since I was a little kid, but have travelled over the Ambassador too many times to count. What are diesel prices like?
PS. If your worried about getting your new saw back to the US just catch and pay a trucker on the Canadian side 20 bucks US to throw it in his trailer. Just be sure he's hauling auto parts as from my experience trucking you could cross with a nuclear warhead as long as you told customs its auto shuttle! Thanks Dieseldog! :angry:

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