In the uk we have tree officers. Off a website I pulled this information off. In America what is the equivelent?
What's a Tree Officer?
The Tree Officer, synonymous with Arboricultural Officer, Tree and Landscape Officer, Urban Forestry Officer or a combination of these titles.
The Tree officer’s responsibilities are often many and various and may even vary from Council to Council. However they are there to offer advice and help you in all related tree matters. Listed below are a number of tree officers responsibilities, if in doubt give them a call but remember that their powers are limited when the tree is on private land and they are not there to act as your personal Consultant.
Tree Officers with Planning Responsibilities
To advise members of the public on the legal status of trees.
Whether the trees are protected by a Tree Preservation Order (T.P.O), or, are in a conservation area, or are covered by condition on a planning permission.
Advise on how to make an application for works to trees under the above legislation.
Advise on what works may be carried out without the formal consent of the Council.
Enforce breaches of tree protection legislation
Tree Officers with Responsibilities for Council Owned or Managed Trees
To consider the level of nuisance a Council owned tree may be causing and recommend remedial action.
To assess the safety of Council owned trees.
To consider the amenity value of trees and maintain the tree stock in a sustainable manner.
Is the closest thing in the USA a city forester? Are the responsibilities similar? If not, what are the differences?
What's a Tree Officer?
The Tree Officer, synonymous with Arboricultural Officer, Tree and Landscape Officer, Urban Forestry Officer or a combination of these titles.
The Tree officer’s responsibilities are often many and various and may even vary from Council to Council. However they are there to offer advice and help you in all related tree matters. Listed below are a number of tree officers responsibilities, if in doubt give them a call but remember that their powers are limited when the tree is on private land and they are not there to act as your personal Consultant.
Tree Officers with Planning Responsibilities
To advise members of the public on the legal status of trees.
Whether the trees are protected by a Tree Preservation Order (T.P.O), or, are in a conservation area, or are covered by condition on a planning permission.
Advise on how to make an application for works to trees under the above legislation.
Advise on what works may be carried out without the formal consent of the Council.
Enforce breaches of tree protection legislation
Tree Officers with Responsibilities for Council Owned or Managed Trees
To consider the level of nuisance a Council owned tree may be causing and recommend remedial action.
To assess the safety of Council owned trees.
To consider the amenity value of trees and maintain the tree stock in a sustainable manner.
Is the closest thing in the USA a city forester? Are the responsibilities similar? If not, what are the differences?