Used bar for my Mac 550

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Apr 11, 2005
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Flagstaff, AZ
Hi, Folks!
I have a nice-running Mac 550 (1968, 99cc) that I've earmarked for milling. Everything works great, except for the bar oiling. The mechanism works just fine, but I have determined that its the wrong bar for the saw. I have checked with Ozflea, our resident Mac expert, but being so far removed he can offer few options for finding the appropriate bar on this side of the world.

ANYone know where a fella can get a 24-inch bar for a old Mac? Oz tells me its the same setup as on an sp 125 (and who know how many others). My guess is that there's quite a few used ones laying around. Any input is appreciated.
Although I have never attempted it moving bar oiling hole(s) for a hard to find bar would seem to be a pretty straight forward job. Maybe I am missing something though? A small diameter end cutting mill and a decent drill press with vise? Food for thought if nothing else shows up.
Just about any large mount Mac bar should work.250 ,1 series,Sp 105/125 etc., etc.As far as utilizing ,for example,large mount Stihl bars,a set of bushings,or spacers,if you prefer,must be used to fill the gap of the bar slot with the 3/8" studs.It's an easy thing to use a Dremel type tool to enlarge the oil hole and adjustment hole.I've done several.If I can do it,anybody can. :)
If you want a LARGER than 24" bar, ask Macdaddy, I bought a 34" from him a few years ago for my Mac 250, its rather nice to have a bar so long for some large crap I encounter.

Sure beats running a 42" on my 024 :p
Some great ideas there gents.... I guess I have rather little to lose by taking a crack at modifying it myself. Time to break out the titanium bits!! I hear that bar steel is seriously tough!
I believe Jeff Sikkema should be able to take care of your needs. I still remember that picture of Mac bars in his truck. I found the post that had the picture but the picture was gone.
