Do you mean hydraulics as in lift trucks and such? And do you think reading the study guide for utility specialist and also best management practices integrated vegetation management booklet will get me far enough to pass?
hey DarrellDDaniel. ill break the exam down into the sections they test on.
1)PPE(natural human body resistance, when to wear rubber gloves, effects of electricity on body, CPR and first aid, chainsaw pant thresholds)
2)Safe work environment(step potential, phase to phase voltages, ohms law, alternating current peak to peak voltages) all the math is really easy, but you must show your steps and submit your scrap paper. calculator and formula sheet is provided.
3)Job planning(questions about utility equipment ID ie.....transformers, cross arms, guy wires, neutral wires, (RECLOSURES!!!!STUDY), insulators, splints, service wires, telecom wires, how to obtain a hold off)
4)Tree removal(questions about blocks, pulleys, shock loading)
5)Prune at heights(questions about insulated pole pruners, pruning techniques, and hydraulic pole pruners)
6)Tree climbing(questions about ropes, DDRT, kilonewton conversions) not a single knot question
7)Aerial Devices(by far the most intensive portion of the test)(questions about hydraulics, questions about trucks ie...air brakes,compressors, alcohol evaporator, holding valve operation and proper testing regime)
8)Underbrushing(questions about pesticides, herbicides, herbicide drift and brush saws, conductor sag)
9)Chippers(hydraulics, knife maintenance, clutch maintenance)
10)Transmission Lines(limits of approach for aerial devices,workers, cranes and Radial Boom Derricks, questions about tree height measurement tools)
Believe it or not a final question about Dr Alex Shigo and a few tools he helped patent. I studied the ISA Arbo Cert book from front to back and found it was not helpful to pass the test. Study the books you have been given by your utility company, they are best if they are up to date on the practices of our industry. Have you taken a EUSA course on basic electrical awareness for tree workers? No questions regarding tree biology, dendrology, or pathology are on the test.
I hope you found this helpful if your gonna be taking the test soon. I took it in Ontario in July so i doubt much has changed.