I'm still trying to figure out what you are looking for. I am thinking something like a welding hood??
I dont understand how any hood, unless vented to the outside, would keep dust and smoke down. If vented to the outside, would that not also draw the heat out of the house or shop, along with any dust or smoke. I would think a properly drawing chimney would pull smoke and dust back inside the stove when reloading with wood. I know I dont see any dust or ash coming out of my stove when I open the door to add wood. Not to say it doesnt happen sometimes, but its usually if I go a while between chimney cleaning and have creseote build up. When I do see smoke coming out of the door, I know I need to clean the chimney pronto.
Years ago, my dad had a hood built to go over a basement installed, indoor stove, and almost burnt the house down. His goal wasnt to catch the dust and ash, but to direct heat thru the duct work to more evenly heat the upstairs. It worked to well, the duct work was the flexable type and the heat was so great that the duct caught fire and melted, dropping onto the concrete floor. If he had of had metal duct work, I am sure the house would have burnt to the ground. As it was flex duct, it fell to the concrete floor and smoked everything. Fire did shoot out of the floor vents and caught the drapes on fire scorching the windows and walls. Just a little story in case someone reads this and has thoughts about making a hood for their stove and tying into their existing duct work.