BC 1000xl demos nicely. I have heard that it is difficult to service though. That was a while ago they may have changed it. It is a nice lightweight chipper and have some customers who are happy with the machine.
My opinion is Morbark or Bandit makes a better chipper hands down. The BC1400 is a joke. I have yet to hear someone just rant and rave about it. Morbarks 13 or bandit 250 should it eats its lunch. The 1400 has difficulty feeding material. I have sold 13s all day long over the 1400. I have had 4 municipalities sole source that chipper despite the fact it costs more. They felt the additional money was worth the difference in performance.
Check out the competition and demo them. Make the decision for yourself. Keep in mind they all break so you really need to be confident in the dealer you are in business with. In some cases Morbark or Bandit may not fit the bill since they have fewer dealers.
I went to an Vermeer demo a couple years ago and they had the chippers lined up to show us what they could do.
I do not remember the model numbers but the units with the feed wheels mounted vertically seemed to dischage chips back out of the infeed chute. Sometimes they would fly back out. Due to this fact, I did not care for them.