Also it seems to appear that trees distressed by any number of factors, mulching in this manner stimulates a response otherwise not seen. You taking a path that in 1983, a critical time in oak wilt's growing virulence, the county agent of Bexar County, Texas (San Antonio) told a conference gathering that mulching and composting for health is useless propaganda. This from a professional and tax-funded information advocate.
Look again closely at the responses, also try it in a controlled fashion, leaving proximity trees alone. Random treatments and gauge it for yourself. The odd things is, knowing about vascular damage to xylem tissues from sterol-inhibiting agents, if chemical intervention has to be prescribed therapeutically, the minimum requirements should also be a provisional treatment to ammend dimished nutritional stresses. I'm not talking nitrogen either.
We're going to step a few rings higher than county agent recommendations. In fact, we're going to where they never think. They don't "do" trees....we do. No offense intended for all the agents out there, but what you guys advised didn't work good enough. It's time to try other stuff instead of just believing it won't work simply because someone told us it wouldn't. Science is increasingly risky, look at the Coho kill in the Klamath.
Yeah...."opps" (Gale Norton on the advice her appointed panel's misjudgement).