Warming up your saws

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
I hired a climber to work some trees for me yesterday and was stunned to see how he warmed up his ms200t. Just before going up the tree, he started his saw and ran it full throttle for about 30 to 45sec, then up the tree he went to work. I don't know if he warms his big saws like that.
He has been in the tree buisness for about 15yrs and is a very good climber.

I like to start my saws and let them idle for a few min while im putting gear on....then start revving them to blow out unburnt gasses that could have built up.

How do you warm your saws up ?

That was the fist time seeing a ms200t up close in action. I was very imprest.
I just grounded my 335xpt for not being reliable and bought a echo cs-341.
I only have run 2 tanks of fuel through the echo so i don't think its fully broke in yet but so far it seems like its running in slow motion compared to the 335xpt or the ms200t. I think when my 335 is running right, its real close to the performance of a 200t.
Im going to adjust the echo carb to try for some more RPMs. Also the manual says the saw will run better as gets time on it...I hope so. I'm not giving up on it yet but im starting to think I should have spent another 200$ more and bought the 200t.
Around thirty seconds at idle then a few 1/4 to 1/2 throttle runs until the muffler cover is warm. I dont reccommend running unloaded, cold but as I have often stated being a decent tree climber isnt the same as being a skilled saw user.
Odd, I just noticed the little post counter isnt working. Is this some new form of discipline by the admin folks. whats the deal five equals 1 now unless your in the C club?
I usually start the saw. Blip the throttle a few times . Idle. Blip the throttle a couple of times. Idle. Full throttle for 2-3 seconds and switch off. The idle periods vary from a few seconds when the temps are warm to a couple of minutes when it is very cold (and I might throw in a sustained period of partially opened throttle when it is cold). I don't know that this is the "best " method-it is just what I have done for years and it hasn't caused me any problems.
I used to warm up my saws and told my employees to let them warm up. Now, I don't care because I have never had an engine fail before other parts failed first that made the saw useless except for parts.
ms200t's are the dogs bo11ocks. as for warming up saws i use either st240 or 260 on the ground - start it up blip the throttle then run at about 1/2 to 2/3 rds throttle till it starts oiling right (check this by pointing the nose over my bar cover and watchingt to see when it starts throwing oil off the nose) run it at full throttle and then check the brake.
I was talking to my ECHO dealer a while back, he said model # ending with 1(CS-???1) were new Calf. emmisions saws with cateletic convertors. Real dogs in his opinion and you can't take the cat off either. He also said they are sending these saws out to all states now to meet emmisions standards. He's sold me a number of Echo's in the past and always seems to have the facts.
I spent part of the afternoon servicing my saws, and did some adjusting on the echo carb. The jets have limiters on them so there is not alot of adjustment room, but it does seem to be running pretty good. I did remove the spark screen....its louder now.
I love my 338 I can cut big, I mean big stuff with that little guy and its not even the cali version. I have a problem with it shutting off though, not cool in a tree,I hold it away with the break on till it stops. A husky dealer told me a wire in the off switch on those is screwy, got to fix that, it is pretty darn new also. Factory defect?
i climb for lots of guys. i frequently use their saws instead of my own. seems like the ms200t is the industry darling. i prefer my 335. its old, but a beast. place ignition switch to choke and pulll th starter cord repeatedly in rapid succession until it coughs. touch the trigger- removing the choke. pull it again, and it normally lights up the first yank. let it idle for a few seconds, lightly touching the throttle every couple secs or so. ready to rock after about ten seconds.
Trignog said:
I love my 338 I can cut big, I mean big stuff with that little guy and its not even the cali version. I have a problem with it shutting off though, not cool in a tree,I hold it away with the break on till it stops. A husky dealer told me a wire in the off switch on those is screwy, got to fix that, it is pretty darn new also. Factory defect?
same thing happened to my baby('94 335xpt) last year. ignition module replacement. covered by lifetime manufacturers warranty.