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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 21, 2002
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Man this weather has been good and bad. It's provided a bunch of work for us. Such as storm work. Haven't touched the regular work since christmas. Luckly everyone seems to understand. Seems like when we get on a roll for a few weeks. Bam....another snow or ice storm right around the corner. Has it been this way every where? I'm in NC just incase anyone was wondering. Just curious how the rest of the industry was doing this winter.
Up here we haven't had any snow in the past week, or rain. However each day has been COLD. I think the weather guessers are talking about snow for this coming thursday, but its only supposed to be a few inches. I have been working when I have work.. but I try to stay out of the bitter cold.
We really need some moisture, but the weather has been beautiful. A week ago saturday the temp didn't get past the low thirties but most of the last 2 weeks have been balmy. Mid 60's today. The nice weather seems to have some people thinking "Spring" so a little work is coming in.
Down here in Louisiana, its cold one day, hot the next. No storms for damage work. Just doing regular work.

just a thought
So far the snow and ice storms have somehow missed us. It did get down in the thirties a few nights, though.
Only a few inches on the ground here in Bottineau, about a foot and a half in the hills. Supposed to top out at -2F today and be down to about -30F on Wed or Thursday night. Then warming up to 30's by next Monday. If it gets up there, I have several small takedowns to do. Several are along the lake, so it is handy when you can drop them on the ice and drive up to them to load, rather than carrying everything up a long hill.

We need a lot more snow for moisture, hope it doesn't warm up enough to just get slippery out. Better if it stays at freezing or below until it desides to melt everything.

Keep Cool,

Bob Underwood
It is in the 70's here today. Great weather for these injections I am doing. At 7 I think I would be inside too!!;)

Where in NC? I might have asked before, but I forget. I'm like you, this has been the busiest January I've ever had. We rented the bucket for the month and still won't get everything done.

Asheville got a couple of inches last week and they call for more on Thursday.

It's frustrating because it's just enough weather to hinder work and not enough to create more.

Then I realize that it's January and I'm lucky to be working at all...

We got 0 snow this year. I did 1 storm job, top broken out of pine from wind. weather has been 40ish F. Work was extremely slow Nov. Dec.. I would see a lot of the smaller companies chip trucks sitting in the yards during the week, mine included. Regular customers started calling after new years and things are looking up. We'll see how the impending war affects business.
It's been cold since I got back from NC and I'll be out of town next week too. I's supposed to be in the 30's again by monday:rolleyes:. Convention in Greenbay.
Wet and cold in S. Texas.

It is hard to get motivated to work when the ground is muddy. It has been like that since we had a devasting flood last July 4th!
Here in atlantic Canada it is cold and moist. Today it is -10C with 75% humidity and 60 to 70 kmh winds, the usual. We have alot of work going on. Hard to get it done with over two ft. of snow on the ground. Did a zip line the other day just to avoid hauling through the snow. Customer wanted the wood so it was left cut and loose piled at the stump. When a Norwester blows in off the atlantic in can cause alot of damage to the trees. You know the call at 2am "Can you come in we have a problem." 2am out of warm bed into work cloths get into cold truck, drive to problem. Its dark, cold, highwinds and its a 40ft. elm lead hanging 50ft over the road. Its times like this that I think I may like to move south! Six months later its 25c sunny with a light breeze off the atlantic and I think I'm glad I stayed here.

-24C here last night and -19C tonight but a warming trend in site. Just got my gas bill and I have used 30% more Natural Gas this year and the weather has been 28% colder. So the clothes are all getting washed in cold water, and the house stays cool. It is cold though, my sister (lives ten minute walk away) had no water since Monday night because the main froze out front of their house, the first time since the moved in in iin 1994 (house was built in 76). So they all came over for baths/showers Tues night, and the water started to work again yesterday, though they have to leave the tap running until end April, when the frost leaves the ground.
-20 Celsius in Stockholm tonight, -41 in the northern parts
of Sweden. Forecast says snow is on it's way 10 cm or so.
Looks like i'll be snow ploughing this weekend :(
Not as bad as last winter tough, the two weeks around new year
we got 60 cm. Everything was total caos. Still, made some decent
money on all the overtime.
It was 75* and sunny today. It's 67* now, at 8:15PM. Not bad for the last day of January.

Don't be getting any ideas, there isn't much work here and the pay sucks. :p STAY UP THERE IN THE COLD!
the temp

mid fourties to fifties here, just north of the 49th, Pacific ocean in view. Little bit of rain but thats what we get used to, couldn't be much better this "winter".

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