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Mellow day today,Dudes.
Got a 5 acre dump site for about 1 hours worth of chipping,,,,whooooo!

I feel sorry for you guys besides the pleasant weather that place pretty much seems like a cats ass ! I mean we have dumps that are free on just about any corner , no weigh stations a few over zealous peckerhead cops but there all over this country and all this carb crap ! I dunno seems like a big gigantic pain in the ass to live on paradise ! And you pay more for just about everything you do , I mean MD came here and isn't leaving or so he says , that made me appreciate this place again we have affordable housing decent jobs and we aren't marled down with all that suffocating crap , after hearing what beans is saying. I would rather be working back east freezing in a blizzard than that .
Wait a minute! You took your daughter where and dropped her off with who!!??

relax its a organised school thing only about 10 in the group but all under control. The 1 plus hr cross city drive to airport has more danagers as is 1st nite at Alice Springs thats a tougher little town as alcahol drugs got hold of many of them. Where she stayin is a secure no alcahol community.
I feel sorry for you guys besides the pleasant weather that place pretty much seems like a cats ass ! I mean we have dumps that are free on just about any corner , no weigh stations a few over zealous peckerhead cops but there all over this country and all this carb crap ! I dunno seems like a big gigantic pain in the ass to live on paradise ! And you pay more for just about everything you do , I mean MD came here and isn't leaving or so he says , that made me appreciate this place again we have affordable housing decent jobs and we aren't marled down with all that suffocating crap , after hearing what beans is saying. I would rather be working back east freezing in a blizzard than that .

Demographics my friend! Cost of living!
Demographics my friend! Cost of living!
huh????? What the hell does domographics have to do with anything ?
Seems like that state does a lot of panhandling ! Maybe residents don't see it but from the outside with all the come visit california ads it would appear its lost its luster a bit , cause we todays technology if you have to tell me its that great its prolly not . And what demographic do you as a manager of a sucessful corporation fall into ? And when I hear a hired gun brought in to clean up a mess living in a ghetto , there's a problem there .
relax its a organised school thing only about 10 in the group but all under control. The 1 plus hr cross city drive to airport has more danagers as is 1st nite at Alice Springs thats a tougher little town as alcahol drugs got hold of many of them. Where she stayin is a secure no alcahol community.

Thank God! Whew! I was under the impression all you yahoos were crazy.:tongue2:
Dude, forgot about that, what time is it, I have a 9 at CampPen, FREE DUMP SITE!!!! I have been rebuilding a territory. Most of my guys suck, have been trained very poorly or dont care about doing good work. I now totally see what ya mean about the reputation. Met Steve the saw meckaneck, took him like 20 sumtin saws, said I would like 3 good 200's back, gave him a halfway decent 192t and a bunch of echo stuff, they all seemed real cool, so hey, double thanks for the hook up on that deal. We are moving in today, but gotta meet the Fire extinguisher dude to today in my yard, as we had safety down from corporate and we where destroyed. That dude you sent my way, V, never came back after I gave him a piss test paper, lol, you didn't miss anything, me and my GF met him, seemed like a tweaker. Meeting the your buddy (truck mechaneck) later this week to get that going, my dude is a moron, had one of my 250's in and out several times trying to fix a hyd problem with electronics. So going to get set up with Wendall. If you have any more talent calling, and you don't snatch them up, send them my way. Gotta do the paper trail thing first and give them the chance to step up, but they are going to start dropping like fly's soon, have 5 guys that are safe, all others will be put on notice, step up or your gone. Bandit just partnered with Bobcat on Mira Mar, so we are going to take all equipment there from this point forward. New 355's seem good but y AGF had the trigger stick on his a couple times, had that yet? Still getting them all re geared, they have been working with junk and climbing on systems from the stone age. Pushing the SRT for palms.

BEASTY!!!!! I NEED YOU! sure ya don't wanna move a bit south? Would love to bring ya aboard. It sounds like ya gotta good thing going , so I understand it you don't, but, if ya do, LETS TALK! That goes along with any of you hackers! I need talent , FREAKIN BAAAAAAAD, tired of guys who are there just to do the bare minimum or have no clue, I need Jedi! Not talking bout u fellas way out da area, looking for folks that are from SoCAL, its like a different country here, so I need peeps that understand the culture.

Hiya fellas!, no, me and Jeff have not met up yet, when we talk, we are usually passing each other on the highway going from this place to the next. I stopped and watched one of his crews, and they are ON IT! Was really impressed with the talent and the no BS'ing around attitude they had, nice clean equipment and they do good work. My op has some major work to do to catch up. THAT IS A FACT. Still working at least 13-14 hours a day, everyday, to get a hold of this monster and tame it. Its been 30 days now and I have had enough time to do a assessment, not good. But I can fix it and the the guys upstairs are behind me. I still live in Da Hood, but finally we are moving out of this hell hole.....TODAY! Got us a real nice little pad with a badaas yard. Still driving a little Ford Focus (feel free to tear me up on that, believe me, I know) Going to letter my F-250 and start driving that as soon as my son figures out what he wants to do, its pretty sad when my 19 y/o is not impressed with most of my guys and has more knowledge than some one who has been in the biz for years, he has 2 summers under is belt and I have more faith in him than I do them. He still has no interest in climbing and still wants to do the Certified Water Auditor thing, which I agree, but I need his ground skills badly right now, setting the example and giving them a idea of the pace I expect. My oldest is already talking about this summer and coming aboard, cant wait. He really loved the rope and was learning the way of the Force really quick, but still very much a padawan. I only have 2 Jedi on board, my GF and AGF, but they have never had any real authority and where constantly over ruled by a salesman or the DM, that stopped right away, but the authority don't mean **** when ya got guys who could not give a F, they actually say it!
Gotta apologize to Big D and the other Mods, I know that I have not been doing my fair share and they have been on bunch. I will be back to normal as soon as I get this thing going in the right direction. This territory was so far off the reservation that they forgot that they are supposed to be learning how to be Jedi and have fallen to the dark side of the force, hopefully, they will value their jobs and decide they want to keep it. If not, they will be deemed Sith and be terminated.
When I get in the new place and get set up, hopefully I can hang for a day and catch up with yall, good to see Danno is still very much..........Danno, and Danno, gotta ask, what color was the toenail polish?

Glad you are getting along well over here. The industry and workers out here are definitely way different than other parts of the country... But the good ones really stand out for sure! The ability to climb split-tail alone is a huge edge over a lot of the competition.

Hope you get everything squared away soon enough and don't have to work as many long hours.
Jobs secure for a while more.

I maybe getting up there in age, that's what Im told anyway, and I'm not as fast as I use to be, but so long as the new crop of climbers suck like most of them do, I'll be working.
Friday I worked in a big Stone pine. None of the other climber on that crew would go out to the tips,90 feet up there. Isn't that what climber do,climb? I was able to set my tip in the highest part of the tree and do half of it SRT hanging in space off the ends of the branches. Today was an easy day, worked up in Mt. Baldy doing a forest care. We also put up some Christmas lights up in a tall pine tree. Then another climber climbed a 100 fir to put up a star. A little breeze kicked up and their no# one climber froze and was so scared he couldn't move, being the compassionate person I am I went up there and talked sh#t tell his pride(or what he had left)forced him to snap out of it and he climbed down. I then put the star up in the top of the tree. Those gusts were scary though.
Sgrean bean, I wish I was closer too Ied like to help you out if I could. I know what you're up against, They just don't care and aren't a shamed to admit it. Other then taking them out behind the wood shed, I found its better to just get rid of them and toss the dice again. There are some good guys out there, but I think you have to find them, then train them.
lot of those guys were allowed to develop bad habits by their foremens and they hate it when someone comes in who aren't playing their game, They take kindness for weakness, then wonder why their bosses are such ***holes.
I maybe getting up there in age, that's what Im told anyway, and I'm not as fast as I use to be, but so long as the new crop of climbers suck like most of them do, I'll be working.
Friday I worked in a big Stone pine. None of the other climber on that crew would go out to the tips,90 feet up there. Isn't that what climber do,climb? I was able to set my tip in the highest part of the tree and do half of it SRT hanging in space off the ends of the branches. Today was an easy day, worked up in Mt. Baldy doing a forest care. We also put up some Christmas lights up in a tall pine tree. Then another climber climbed a 100 fir to put up a star. A little breeze kicked up and their no# one climber froze and was so scared he couldn't move, being the compassionate person I am I went up there and talked sh#t tell his pride(or what he had left)forced him to snap out of it and he climbed down. I then put the star up in the top of the tree. Those gusts were scary though.
Sgrean bean, I wish I was closer too Ied like to help you out if I could. I know what you're up against, They just don't care and aren't a shamed to admit it. Other then taking them out behind the wood shed, I found its better to just get rid of them and toss the dice again. There are some good guys out there, but I think you have to find them, then train them.
lot of those guys were allowed to develop bad habits by their foremens and they hate it when someone comes in who aren't playing their game, They take kindness for weakness, then wonder why their bosses are such ***holes.

That's everywhere bro, when I was danger tree foreman I ended up doing the bad ones because they would either kill themselves or tear down the 3 phaze. I had one that came in and was asking about the retirement etc. said he loved the job and then never came back. I got his address from the office and sent him a quarter with a note saying enjoy your retirement :hmm3grin2orange:
Did a bunch of running around today looking at jobs and trying to deliver bills. I stopped at one guy's house who owes me almost a G for grinding stumps and a little junk job. His wife was there, and we went over what had been done. When it came time to get paid, she said no more money for me until I finish... WTF? Went back later and spoke with the husband, they expect me to remove all the debris from the stumps, plus grind out a bunch of barberries which I clearly told them was best left to a small backhoe. Seems like I am going to have some major problems getting this money. The last time I had any complaints about stump grinding was probably 5 or 6 years ago.
Working on more firewood today. I guess maybe I'll try and sell a little bit. Something to do anyway. Got a little bit of treework left, but nothing I'm particularly into. We'll see what (if anything) comes in as the week progresses. Something tells me I'll find some sort of trouble to get into.
Doing some hydro line clearing this morning for some cottages with my buddies bucket truck, than a medium sized sugar maple removal, and if daylights allows a 60' dead red pine removal. Maybe meet pelorus for a coffee while he gets a spring fixed! Good thing is all the snow we got last week has melted!
On my way to Lake arrowhead to do a removal of a Pine. They say its an easy tree, but we'll see. Been drizzeling all night that means cold water down the back of my neck all morning. I should miss any snow by a 1000 ft. at lest.
Ehap, first aid, and aerial rescue training today. first time in weeks i've been home before the sun went down.
Well today was a wash. It was suppose to clear up this morning, so even though it was raining I drove up the mountain to work. Had two good size pines on a little access road next to a house. The Dept. of forestry declared them hazardous. It was still drizzling when I shot a line up the first one. Everything has to be lowered so I put a block in at the top and go back down and start limbing. Now it's raining pretty good. Then the wind kicks up. I am cold, wet, and miserable. I dropped a small broken branch and the wind takes it and almost hit the roof. I said screw it lets call it a day. Heck I don't even own a raincoat. So I'll be back there in the morning, suppose to be really nice tomorrow. View attachment 265368
These are the two pines. They look close but their 40 ft away from each other.
Well today was a wash. It was suppose to clear up this morning, so even though it was raining I drove up the mountain to work. Had two good size pines on a little access road next to a house. The Dept. of forestry declared them hazardous. It was still drizzling when I shot a line up the first one. Everything has to be lowered so I put a block in at the top and go back down and start limbing. Now it's raining pretty good. Then the wind kicks up. I am cold, wet, and miserable. I dropped a small broken branch and the wind takes it and almost hit the roof. I said screw it lets call it a day. Heck I don't even own a raincoat. So I'll be back there in the morning, suppose to be really nice tomorrow. View attachment 265368
These are the two pines. They look close but their 40 ft away from each other.

Typical cali climber, shooting lines on a removal,no rain gear, im cold and takes two days on a one day removal. I've never worked for a company that's cool with working on my terms. Ever thought of sales? just sayin.
Typical cali climber, shooting lines on a removal,no rain gear, im cold and takes two days on a one day removal. I've never worked for a company that's cool with working on my terms. Ever thought of sales? just sayin.

Typical dunderhead: wants to spike up with no top rope and work his ass off under somebody else's conditions.:laugh:

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