Mr brushcutter,
Now being a new member of the medical profession I must warn you about the hazards of AV. This is a serious illness that has plagued many men, destroyed numerous homes, and last but not least, many a divorce. AV happens to all men from the mid teens all the way to the prime age of the 60's. What is AV. Simply put, when a bueatyfull woman wanders into your direction, AV simply takes over.Automated Visulation syndrone is the clinicle jargon for this anomoly. A striking two piece bikini will cause men to studder shake stumble and as serious as turning into a piece of gibbering human flesh. Their is some therapy available however this treatment is still in the testing stage. It has something to do with Roseann Barr walking by your car in a two piece swim suite followed by Whoppi Goldburg, then Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno Get the picture?