I googled gunpowder keg with handles and saw some similar with feet like yours and the small hole in the end. None with handles like your's though. Pretty cool. Taking my nephew to the Ford nationals at Carlisle this weekend. Bought an infield pass so we don't have to park miles away.Picked this up today . Wood cask with brass bung on top side bung looks to have had a cork stopper. On one end it says wt 16 pounds .
I’m guessing gunpowder ? View attachment 992394View attachment 992395View attachment 992396
Cool I just got my spots for the Carlisle truck show today . Motel reservations made tooI googled gunpowder keg with handles and saw some similar with feet like yours and the small hole in the end. None with handles like your's though. Pretty cool. Taking my nephew to the Ford nationals at Carlisle this weekend. Bought an infield pass so we don't have to park miles away.
Kinda hard getting the sourkraut out of the tiny little bung holeMy first thought was a sauerkraut kask…but I have sourkraut and hotdogs on my mind…lol
When you’re hungry for sauerkraut, little details like that don’t matter…lolKinda hard getting the sourkraut out of the tiny little bung hole
so many jokes .....Kinda hard getting the sourkraut out of the tiny little bung hole
Unless it's your personal bung hole!Kinda hard getting the sourkraut out of the tiny little bung hole
It’s a gas….lolUnless it's your personal bung hole!
It had to have had liquid in it at some point to close up the gaps and create the barrel shape. I don't know if gunpowder casks were pretreated with liquid that way. And the iron hoops are a potential danger around black powder, as they can spark if struck or clank together. But who knows?Picked this up today . Wood cask with brass bung on top side bung looks to have had a cork stopper. On one end it says wt 16 pounds .
I’m guessing gunpowder ? View attachment 992394View attachment 992395View attachment 992396
So no sauerkraut…damn….19th century water barrel, often used on lifeboats.
Artificially inseminated STEER SEMEN, for cold weather use. Don't ask what the "BUNG HOLE IS FER"Picked this up today . Wood cask with brass bung on top side bung looks to have had a cork stopper. On one end it says wt 16 pounds .
I’m guessing gunpowder ? View attachment 992394View attachment 992395View attachment 992396
That appears to be what I have .19th century water barrel, often used on lifeboats.
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