my boss knows that at the end of the day if he's pi$$ed us off - which can be quite often at times we will go down to the nearest pub and not invite him! But then when the boss does come for a pint he'll always get the first round in but woe be-tied anyone who skips a round. When i first started working for my boss i got shouted at quite rergulary - being 2 hours late 2 days in a row on my second week didnt help, the fact that really i was only one hour late turning up to base camp and spending another hour driving to the site useing my own fuel probably saved my job, i still have the little prize they gave me on a little white plant tag saying 'i am a pr1ck' for the second time i was late. i got shouted at for not moving quick enough, not knowing my notts, not knowing how to operate the winch or diff lock on the trucks, forgetting spanners and braking things, including one of the kitchen door windows. yet now i'm up to speed and know what i'm doing so apart from the odd nudge i havn't been shouted at for a good while. I'm the first person who has worked for him who has gone on to college on my holidays and when i work weekends and stuff i get food and lodge as well as accses to his years of experience and information. I do get the ????ty jobs because i'm the apprentice, retreiving stuff from ditches and the like, but i know that my boss would do it if he had to - he doesn't particulary want to so thats why he passes it down- but we cant all start out at the top.