What makes a good boss?

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side jobs

my boss has a policy of allowing us to do side jobs (even using his kit) as long as it does not conflict with his business. he will give us kit (within reason, the pickups have to be returned with same / more fuel) and know that chances are it is a small job we can handle individually or with some help. if he asks us to work at the weekend and we are busy, no hard feelings, if he asks us to work and we decline then ask for a saw...well thats another question...

i have a largeish sidejob on but i'm working it over the summer, i tell him when i have arranged to do it and we work around it together. the customer is good enough to understand my situation.

as for what makes a good boss, flame me when i do wrong but praise me when i do right. last week production felling i was paid more because i romped through the woods.

NYOLDMAN Job sounds familiar No word on contracts yet. Number one job every day is to go home safe and in one piece Jack
Hi guys, I am new in here but I see some familiar names-John Paul and such. Anyway, I am the "boss" of 10 to 12 guys and try to pull in at least a million a year. I have found that being their boss means being their friend. I know how many kids they each have and their names. They can come to me with their personal problems and trust that I have their interest and well being at mind. I may have a guy needs to go to court and will be gone a couple of hours. I probably will not count it off his hours and they feel they can conduct personal errands and situations they may involve loss of work hours by letting me know in advance.
Jeff Lovstrom
Treeworker #449