What, No Bids?

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So reserve must be $18,000?

Whatever they're smokin', must be good stuff.
Deal or not

I thought I have seen allot of things but that is down right silly.
If someone bids on this it has to be a sales gimmic.
even if he accidently used two extra zeros, it would STILL be outrageous! So it's a 25 yr old $150 saw (new) with a fancy paint job. And even worse it's a PULL-on!
Maybe this fellow thinks it a Harley-Davidson chainsaw.I've seen some crazy adds but this takes the cake.
G'day Guys,

Is there a blue book for saws??
I reckon they forgot to say that you get the guys house thrown in for free!!.....
I think that guy should take his $18,000 offer before the buyer remembers what was in those yellow sugar cubes!

One of those '76 models was up on eBay a few months ago. Maybe a couple tanks of gas through it. Went for somewhere around $50, IIRC.

I have a Poulan XX--same thing. Awful saw.
How bout that warrenty card?I would love to hear the Poulan reps responce for warrenty on a 26 year old saw!
I'm thinking about bidding, after all this is a rare top handle, probably everybit of 35 cc's. The paint job alone, obviously being an aniversery model and look at the case for crying out loud. It says ...chain saw. See, ya'll are just not seeing the whole picture.
I wanted to ask the seller a question, but every time I try I start laughing too hard to type. :laugh:
I emailed the seller with a few questions, and basically informed her that we do have a bit of a clue about saws...and why was this saw worth so much..she is selling it for a friend, and is considering pulling..as she believes he is off the mark as well....
remember last time

we better not make to much fun of that saw remember that other time when D. Trotter chewed us out when I called his saw a screen door on a submarine or useless as a ( November Jack O Lantern):D :D
John in MA had it right when he said there was one on ebay for $50 a little while back. Over the last 2-3 years there have been several of these "1976" saws. I am not positive but I have a pretty distinct memory of one anout 18 months ago that was also brand new. I believe it was actually new in the original box. I remember it going rather cheap. There are a great amount of crazy sellers on ebay. We must rember the old saying "there is a sucker born every minute". I know I have been a "sucker" a time or two but I hope no one is that stupid. It will end just like the recent $400 David Bradley auction.

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