What sort of prices do you fellas pay for Stihl bars, chains, etc?

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ArboristSite Guru
Dec 15, 2008
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I know that the UK prices for saws are WAY higher than the US prices - not that far off a direct dollar = pound sterling conversion! But what about ancillaries?
For instance, I have my chain loops made up by a Stihl dealer who sells on Ebay as well as direct. A couple of examples -

RSC chain for an 18" bar, 66DL, 0.63, 3/8" - $24 a loop.
18" bar for an 041 (#5217) - $58
Picco chain for an 020T, 14" bar, 50DL- $17 a loop.
14" bar for an 020T with above chain (#4809) - $43

All Stihl stuff, not aftermarket.
Are these as madly priced as the saws are compared to buying in the US, or fairly close?
Picked up some chains from a local dealer. 18" .325 72 links= $13.95

I think I've got more chains than I will ever use but seems like I always add one or two to a Bailey's order.
RSC, 3 loops for $40 up to 20", then it goes up a little.

Oddly, the same dealer won't knock a cent off equipment, and they are generally not very friendly even when you're ready to buy something considerably expensive.

They sold me the wrong grass knife blade for my FS250, and then treated me like an azz when I came back with it...then charged me $8 more for the correct/smaller one when they had sold me the one for the 450/550. I thought that was odd.

uh....anyway back to the thread/
My saw shop is one of the largest in WA state... and caters to local loggin' operations. Consumables like bars, chains, sprockets, and lubricants have a big turnover... so they can offer them at cheaper prices.

There are enough bars and loops of chain hangin' on the wall to keep a loggin' outfit at the ready for a full year. I never have had to "order" a bar or chain. The bars are available off the shelf up to 42" before they have to order any...

The last 32" Stihl ES bar I bought from them was $69 USD

2 loops of chain to go with it was $28 USD a piece.

Most 100' rolls of Stihl chain are anywhere from $189 USD to $250 USD depending on the type of chain.

Picked up some chains from a local dealer. 18" .325 72 links= $13.95

I think I've got more chains than I will ever use but seems like I always add one or two to a Bailey's order.

And is that for Stihl chain? If so, I should start importing. :dizzy:
I'm guilty of always adding a couple of chains to any order, as well - I "run a tab" with the dealer, and when it's reached a suitably high number of £ for it to be worth posting, I always seem to say "Oh, and add on a couple of loops of..."
I probably have 14 chains for the 041, every time they get blunt I just change them. Then every once in a while sit down on an evening and sharpen them all. Typically the next day I'll end up cutting stumps full of rocks and nails, and blunt about 6 of them. :D
My saw shop is one of the largest in WA state... and caters to local loggin' operations. Consumables like bars, chains, sprockets, and lubricants have a big turnover... so they can offer them at cheaper prices.

There are enough bars and loops of chain hangin' on the wall to keep a loggin' outfit at the ready for a full year. I never have had to "order" a bar or chain. The bars are available off the shelf up to 42" before they have to order any...

The last 32" Stihl ES bar I bought from them was $69 USD

2 loops of chain to go with it was $28 USD a piece.

Most 100' rolls of Stihl chain are anywhere from $189 USD to $250 USD depending on the type of chain.


Oh, my local dealer is just round the corner - but I don't buy from him because he's an incompetent prick, and sells stuff at stupid prices. $31 for a gallon of Stihl bio chain oil! The internet fella is sound as a pound, delivers when I need it, and any time I pick up a new saw he emails me an IPL for it. Never too much trouble, either, if I need a £0.50 part, it's in the post the next day.
One thing I have noticed that seems to be the case when buying motorbike parts is that our prices in the UK have the same numbers but a pound sign in front of them instead of a dollar sign.

For instance when I bought my four gallon Clarke tank for my KX500 it was £175 in the US and £175 in the UK, considering the fact that at that time the exchange rate was about two dollars to the pound I wasn't too impressed with buying from the UK.

Even with postage and import tax it was cheaper to buy direct from the US in that case.

Doesn't work out for everything as some items are expensive to post but I buy a decent amount of bike parts from the US, amongst other things I have to commend American companies for their good service and speedy delivery.

I could order the same part from a UK company and they would just order it from the same American company the re-package it and send it on to me anyway.

Looking in my Stihl catalogue for 100' rolls of chain and most of them are priced at £452, which is a lot of money compared to the $180-$250 that some of the people on this thread have quoted, Especially considering the exchange rate.

Picked up some chains from a local dealer. 18" .325 72 links= $13.95


72 links = 18"?

I use 20" Oregon chains and pay $12.40 each. Part # 72LPX-072G. Oregon 72LPX (3/8”-0.050”) 72 link chain fits MS440 with 20" bar. These chains zip through logs like a hot knife through butter!
I've tried Oregon and Carlton, and - I just like the Stihl better! For the sort of wood (small by most people here's standards, largely clean and green) I cut, I prefer it and a few pounds more is OK by me.
I like the Stihl bars as the nose sprockets seem to last longer. I'm a million miles from a pro, or even an experienced cutter compared to most here, I'm an amateur, but I absolutely HATE sharpening in the middle of a job - you just can't do it while holding a beer!:mad::givebeer:
From my experience the difference in prices for bars and chains in the US is even bigger than for saws when compared to the over here.
From my experience the difference in prices for bars and chains in the US is even bigger than for saws when compared to the over here.
And bar oil! Have you priced the Stihl Bio stuff recently? I bought a gallon once, and it only ever gets used when I'm cutting somewhere that it NEEDS to be biodegradable quickly and not stain - such as bucking logs on my neighbour's nice new herringbone brick patio. :D
His wife was NOT happy, until I showed her the jug. "See all that German? It means the stuff just washes away next time it rains".
I haven't seen her since, it took about 5 weeks of winter rain for the stains to go, haha!
And bar oil! Have you priced the Stihl Bio stuff recently?

www.frjonesandson.co.uk are doing 5L of bio oil for £18.80 + VAT at 15%. 20L is £74.61. Don't know how this compares to the US 'cause I know I can't bring any back in my case!

3.8L of Mobil 1 was $22 in Wallmart. 4.0L is Halfords is £44.99. That's over 3 times the price.
At least Asda engine oil is still £6 a gallon - that'll lubricate my chain enough with the oiler up high! Love the way it has absolutely no specifications - just 20W50 Motor Oil. It even says on the back to consult your owner's manual before using it in your car. As if the manual will say "Yep, go ahead and use the trash engine oil they make by filtering out used stuff dumped at garages".
Ask me how I know - I bust the sump on my Audi the other day, and until the postman delivers my new one, I'm dropping 3 pints a day... helping keep the dust down in this dry weather! :D
www.frjonesandson.co.uk are doing 5L of bio oil for £18.80 + VAT at 15%. 20L is £74.61. Don't know how this compares to the US 'cause I know I can't bring any back in my case!

3.8L of Mobil 1 was $22 in Wallmart. 4.0L is Halfords is £44.99. That's over 3 times the price.

Just for interest - Mobil 1 in the US and in the UK are different oils. There was a big hoo-hah about it when people were going to France, bringing back dirt cheap Mobil 1, and selling it in the UK. Turns out they are blended by different companies and to different specs, depending on the laws in the country of sale over what constitutes a "fully synthetic" oil. The US definition is a bit slacker than the uk one.
Ask me how I know - I bust the sump on my Audi the other day, and until the postman delivers my new one, I'm dropping 3 pints a day... helping keep the dust down in this dry weather! :D

Glad I'm not a cyclist in your area :hmm3grin2orange::cheers:

Just for interest - Mobil 1 in the US and in the UK are different oils. There was a big hoo-hah about it when people were going to France, bringing back dirt cheap Mobil 1, and selling it in the UK. Turns out they are blended by different companies and to different specs, depending on the laws in the country of sale over what constitutes a "fully synthetic" oil. The US definition is a bit slacker than the uk one.

Ah, good to know. I did know there were diffenct types of synthetic motor oils. just thought Mobil 1 was the same anywhere. Thanks, I feel better now.

Last week in Madsen's I paid £511 for a Husky 372XPW (75CC). An Oregon reduced weight 32' bar, 2 chains, some muffler parts, sprockets and some clothing. That included sales tax. The saw (71CC version) is about £613 and that's a good deal here.

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