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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 3, 2008
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Midland Michigan
I cooked the engine in my f450 two weeks ago hauling a backhoe from West Virginia so I am using my ram 1500 for a work truck. Last Firday I am on a job pruning the dead on a Norway Maple about a 30' tree just neglected for a while. I am about 2/3rds done when a Tahoe drives by and parks in front of my truck and a guy in shorts and a tank top gets out and approches the tree. As this guy gets to the tree he looks up and says to the H/O oh you already got some one in the tree, hey bro anything you can't handle up there. Now my company name is not on my ram but the trailer with brush was hooked to it and you could see my rope hanging down. Any way Mr tree guy goes on to say he has 12yrs climbing exp and if there is any thing I can't handle he would be glad to get it. So I ask him if he is going to body thrust or foot lock up and he says I don't know what you mean. Now I am not much of a foot locker my self but I can body thrust pretty well so I tell him well I'm up here and not wearing spurs so how do you suppose I got up here ? He answered me with a very confident I sure I could do that if I had to but I have spikes and usually just climb up and then use my decender. Well I tell him I think I can handle it from here And he says He will leave his number in case I come across something I can't handle or need help with. As he leaves Larry the H/O says I dont think he knew what you were talking about. Ya think ? Now I don't know alot of stuff but I do know enough not to walk up on someone else's job and ask if theirs anything they can't handle. Not a good way to look for work, then again there may be a reason he's out driving around instead of working..:chainsaw:
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I have to wonder about a guy with 12 years above ground, walking on your job and asking if you can handle it. Now with him asking if there is anything you can't handle, "maybe I, wearing shorts and a tank top can finish your job". I would say to him that the homeowner asked me to provide a Certificate of Insurance, can you?. The economy is tough and a lot of experienced guys are looking for work, but you have to at least present yourself when you drive around looking, and dress the part ready for work. He is bold or desperate or both.
I gotta say it:

How does anyone in the biz for 12 years not know about foot-locking or hip-thrusting...?

maybe if he climbs on spurs (removals only, i'm sure...) he should have AT LEAST heard of foot-locking or hip-thrusting.

You were more polite than I would have been.
Well the H/O was right there so I had to mind my manners but Larry got a kick out of the question and answer session. What I wanted to say was I having a hard time handling the dumb a&% that just stumbled up on my job. Larry the H/O pointed the large maple next to the house and said He removed those big limbs over the chimney and house so I think he can handle this. I not sure dropping something on this guys head would have hurt him I am thinking brain function was already pretty low. 12 years climbing and all he knows is spurs he should of at least heard of other climbing techniques even if he can't do them :chainsaw:
12 years climbing and all he knows is spurs he should of at least heard of other climbing techniques even if he can't do them :chainsaw:

You'd be surprised. There's no one in my area that trims sans spikes, excepting my company, that is. When I tried explaining to my boss about spikeless climbing he got a very confused look in his eyes and asked me how. I said you need a throwbag and line. "Huh?", was his response. He has 30 years in the business. Ya never know.
I only climb with spurs, have got into many beefs here about it. I no longer advise people to climb with spurs, except around powerlines. Most of what I do is removals, and powerline sidelimbing. I have heard of other techniques, been told I am a hack, and other things. When it comes to powerline work in this province, its spurs all the way, right in front of ISA certified utility supervisors. So, the ISA bears some responsiblity right there. But I expect nothing from the ISA, they are about image, and money.

Funny, in a sad way.
I only climb with spurs, have got into many beefs here about it. I no longer advise people to climb with spurs, except around powerlines. Most of what I do is removals, and powerline sidelimbing. I have heard of other techniques, been told I am a hack, and other things. When it comes to powerline work in this province, its spurs all the way, right in front of ISA certified utility supervisors. So, the ISA bears some responsiblity right there. But I expect nothing from the ISA, they are about image, and money.

Funny, in a sad way.

I don't have any problem with spurs on removals or in dangerous situations where its just safer. I have taken them up and put them on in the tree when removing large limbs but only wear them on the peice I am removing. I never spike any prune I don't have to. I did a large cottonwood with the top broken off that was cought. I spiked the last 8 feet of tree due to no safe tie in but this is a pretty rare situation. Once I got accustomed to climbing on a rope it felt much more secure to me I prefer it now.

i've never heard of spiking a trim job....seems like you'd get a lawsuit on your hands....

why not learn the ropes?? although more time consuming, it is safer, and doesn't damage the tree.....

I don't know what work is like in your area, but if i spiked a trim job, i'd be in court....
I only climb with spurs, have got into many beefs here about it. I no longer advise people to climb with spurs, except around powerlines. Most of what I do is removals, and powerline sidelimbing. I have heard of other techniques, been told I am a hack, and other things. When it comes to powerline work in this province, its spurs all the way, right in front of ISA certified utility supervisors. So, the ISA bears some responsiblity right there. But I expect nothing from the ISA, they are about image, and money.

Funny, in a sad way.

I see you have forgotten about the hot chicks that come with ISA certification.
in a Tahoe?

Mommy must have let him borrow it for the day.

it could have just been Paul NoSack.