What's the smelliest tree you have worked?

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 15, 2003
Reaction score
Palm Harbor, FL (near Tampa)
My top two worst are (in this order):

1. Sweetgum
2. Catalpa

Both are nasty and pungent when cut.

Best that I have smelled is definitely Cedar.... reminds me of that old guinea pig I had as a kid :)
Tim, I like the smell of Catalpa! Worst stinkers have been Cottonwoods watered by a septic system-Gag. Ailanthus doesn't please my nostrils. Siberian elms can be rank sometimes.
Weeping willow. I was young and made a massive rip cut into one. Smelled like a big horse was taking a leak right next to me. Looked like it too... only the horse wasn't there.
Willows can be rank, but a native here, Karo (pitosporum crasafolium)sp! reeks. Give you these lovely black stains on your skin to. Utter crap tree

I like pine, macrocarpa and ceder. (women like it to):p
The trees in yards with a ton of dog crap all over the place. My guys clean it up to make a path to the truck but there is always that missed piece. Makes for a fun ride back to the shop.

After that I'd vote for Siberian Elm and Sycamore. Ailanthus smells like peanut butter IMO.
Gingko biloba

Have you ever smelled the rotting fruit from a female Gingko tree?
The smell will knock you on your arse:eek:

As far as stinkin wood, id have to say cottonwood and Siberian elm
ELM...........Need to wash all your clothes afterwards and shower....REALLY BAD SMELL
How about the inflorescence of Chinese chestnut? What a stench. Gingko is another stinker.
Never had a tree stink me out, but I did a removal inside a dog kennel once........ WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by netree
Never had a tree stink me out, but I did a removal inside a dog kennel once........ WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Same here, bro. Beagle kennel.

Skipped lunch that day, if I remember right! :D
Oh, I *HAD* lunch... didn't get to digest much, know-whut-I-mean?
Last edited:
Oh Helllll ya!
Smelly wood

I'm threw burning hackberry in my fire place, that stuff stinks the house up real bad. The smell just lingers around for days.
I really dont like climbing it either, it scraches me up like I been fighten a cat. :angry:

i hate holly, ive had to climb a few, to pull hangers out of the top, horrible smell, jaggy and minging..... berberis is also a pet hate, anything jaggy.....

anything piney sends me home feeling pine fresh, just like the toilet...mmmmmm not a favorite


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