what's wrong with my wood ??

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 17, 2006
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I was splitting some cherry today and came across this


I wasn't so sure I should even look at this thread!

I'm not sure what's wrong with the firewood though. Some kind of fungus the tree had maybe?
The heartwood has started to decay and go to punk, it will still burn just fine, just a little quicker now.
almost looks like sassafras

But I have been wrong before. It will burn. Beats snowballs my dad always says.
Looks like early stage rot. The sapwood is still real solid. With cherry, that's usually the first to go. I doubt there will be much impact on BTU content - or the sweet aroma of burning cherrywood.
It isn't anything I would worry about in my firewood. Split it, stack it, cover it and burn it when you need it. Spaulted wood seems to dry quicker. The exposed fungus helps pull out some of the moisture instead of just from the end grain. Keep it dry or it wont be usable in a few years.
Looks like you should throw it in the stove and burn it. I've seen it a million times but I'm gonna say it won't make two squirts of diff when your gettin warm from it. :clap:
it appears to be severely contaminated.

you should load that wood up, plus any other wood that has come within 50 feet of it and drop it off at my house for further evaluation. i'll study it carefully, allow it to dry in quaranteen, then i'll try burning it during the winter.

if it burns well, i'll let you know it was good.
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it appears to be severely contaminated.

you should load that wood up, plus any other wood that has come within 50 feet of it and drop it off at my house for further evaluation. i'll study it carefully, allow it to dry in quaranteen, then i'll try burning it during the winter.

if it burns well, i'll let you know it was good.

gone spunky on ya . . . .i get that white fungus veining in some of the chokecherry i cut, but like my uncle told me long ago in my innocent youth when i was apologizing for blocking up a fungus infected tree and loading it in his pickup truck "we'll see if that stove gives a #&$% when i put a match to it and close the door"