Which 025 Adjustable Carb?

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ArboristSite Guru
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
South Georgia
The 025 I picked up recently has the fixed H jet carb and I don't want to mod the muffler w/o an adjustable carb for it. :blob2:

Is there a better or worse adjustable carb for it? I'm at 200 feet above sea level in south Georgia if that matters.

Where other than ebay is a good source for a used carb? Ebay is a last resort for me. (I hate to even use the word resort...more like shanty...)


Walbro, model WT-215 is a fully adjustable carb made for the 025. I know that you didn't want to resort to ebay but check out Curt Bailey's used parts in the sponsered forums section here on A.S. I am sure that he would have to be reputable seller before being allowed to be a site sponser.
You can also look for the wt-286a which has the nipple for connection for the primer bulb, if you don't need it than you can simply block of the nipple but it does give you another option.

Got carb, now the muffler...

onebad450r said:
Walbro, model WT-215 is a fully adjustable carb made for the 025.

check out Curt Bailey's used parts

Got the wt-215 (Thanks Curt!) and installed and base adjusted it a 1 turn H & L and it bogged pretty bad in the cut so I turned the H 1/8 in and it made ALL the difference.:D

I've read all I could find on the 025 muffler and just wanted some clarification so I don't open it up too much. We should have dedicated pages somewhere w/ a buffet of modded muffler pictures and such. Then when the question comes up we just provide a link...

My 025 muffler has same inlet and outlet opening sizes... Enlarge the outlet port and get a bigger screen or just create a new opening elsewhere? It doesn't seem like it should get much bigger than the inlet from the cylinder though.

The baffle inside w/ lots of holes on top... Do I leave the internal baffle assembly (for structural reasons) and open up the holes in the top of it, or just cut it to nothing but a couple of structural tubes? Doesn't look particularly restrictive to me.

And there is a front cover over the outlet port that holds the screen in place that has slits... Pry open the slits? Cut them out larger?

I've not seen any pics of a modded 025 muffler or of the internals. Mine seems pretty open (but it's obviously factory) and I don't want to eliminate backpressure and kill the torque (what little an 025 has...)

Thanks for any help.

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davefr said:
Suggest you download this file:
http://www.giftsofwood.com/Stihl/IPLs/stihl 021 023 025 IPL.pdf

This site is worth it's weight in gold. Make a Paypal donation if it helps you. I'm surprised Andreas and his thugs haven't shut it down yet.

Yep, it looks like WT-215 is what you want.

Just a suggestion... Calling anyone that owns the copyright "thugs" is more likely to get their attention than just pointing out the site... So if you want "gifts of wood" to stay around, keep it off their radar...
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wagonwheeler said:
I've read all I could find on the 025 carb and just wanted some clarification so I don't open it up too much. We should have dedicated pages somewhere w/ a buffet of modded muffler pictures and such. Then when the question comes up we just provide a link...

My 025 carb has same inlet and outlet opening sizes... Enlarge the outlet port and get a bigger screen or just create a new opening elsewhere? It doesn't seem like it should get much bigger than the inlet from the cylinder though.

The baffle inside w/ lots of holes on top... Do I leave the internal baffle assembly (for structural reasons) and open up the holes in the top of it, or just cut it to nothing but a couple of structural tubes? Doesn't look particularly restrictive to me.

And there is a front cover over the outlet port that holds the screen in place that has slits... Pry open the slits? Cut them out larger?

I've not seen any pics of a modded 025 muffler or of the internals. Mine seems pretty open (but it's obviously factory) and I don't want to eliminate backpressure and kill the torque (what little an 025 has...)

Thanks for any help.


I think you've spent to much time out in the sun without your hat on.
I believe you are talking about a muffler mod. and what you have talked about seems to be on track.

What I did and recommend, is to open up the muffler and inlarge the holes that are in the baffle/basket, I ran a flat file over the burrs and went a little further and ran some 120 grit over it. My gasket between the jug and the muffler was aligned well and did not block the exhaust port so I left it alone, yours may need to be trimmed back, you should be able to tell by where the carbon is on the gasket. I measured the exhaust outlet area and then the can outlet from what I have read here you want the muffler outlet 70-85% the size of the port outlet. You can use what ever you want to open up the sheet metal, dremel/diegrinder, files, vertical mill. I used a combo of a rat tail file and a regular 8" flat file, I also used old chainsaw files both round and flat to smooth things up and put a slight radius on the edge. I forgot the exact dimensions of what the port and muffler outlet were but I remember it came out to about 75% when I went out to the edge of the flat on the indentation which is covered up by the screen and louvres. I live where it stays moist most of the time, I elected to remove the screen. I did exactly what you said on the slits, I bent the slits out with a small pry bar and dremeled the side of the slits closest to the inside.

Make sure you put a sharp RS chain on there, and she'll be running like a spanked monkey.

AKA buck
lucky001 said:
I think you've spent to much time out in the sun without your hat on.
I believe you are talking about a muffler mod. and what you have talked about seems to be on track.

I measured the exhaust outlet area and then the can outlet from what I have read here you want the muffler outlet 70-85% the size of the port outlet.

I only wish I could get more time out in the sun...and slow down while typing!
Thanks for the response, I'm gonna post some pics and measurements about the muffler - under a new thread so it'll be easier to follow later.
