I may be in the same boat as possum398. I bought a 361 w/a 20" bar, using an RS/RSC chain. I cut some "Katrina" oak this weekend. The downed trees were around 20" in diameter. I've only put 5 tanks of fuel through the saw so far, so maybe it will get a bit stronger in a few more tanks, but the saw labored and bogged to a stop at times. I've thought about sending the 361 off for a woods mod, but have not as of yet. (I guess I'm waiting to see if the saw wakes up a little more with time before deciding.)
Do I send the 361 off and add $200-$250 to its cost, or do I consider getting another saw in the 440-460 class? Does a modification to a 361 really gain anything more, torque-wise, if I will only cut hardwood?
Being from Tennessee, I will only use oak and hickory for firewood and cut the occasional cedar, etc. if I need to clear an area. I am a weekend warrior, but like stuff to perform well. Please don't misunderstand, I love my 361, just need some more information to help with my decision.
Greg Lees