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This year we noticed that the bark on a bout a 1ftx3ft section of bark on our wild cherry seemed hollow underneath when knocking on it. We assumed maybe the bark or underneath had died for some reason. Today though I decided to dig a bit deeper and found something concerning. The whole area with the hollow bark was dead underneath. I pulled out all the bark in the area since it wasn't doing any good. The main wood under the bark seems somewhat solid, maybe a tiny bit soft. Looking at the wound I see black carpenter ants have some holes drilled into it. And pulling the bark off the ants and larvae were falling out. I plan to get ant bait and get it put around the tree to take care of them so they don't make the situation worse. My only concern is what I should do about the current rot situation. It almost looks like the tree is trying to heal around the edges. So this must have been going on for a few years I would suspect and it's just now becoming apparent. The tree is mature, leafing out very well and other then that I see no signs of distress or issues in the rest of the tree. Pretty much growing and acting the same way it's been for over 20 years. Dead limbs are always pruned off as soon as I spot them. In winter of 2020 2 years ago I had 2 large upper sections break out during an ice storm, but I had rented a lift in the spring and got the broken parts removed and stubs trimmed back correctly. Any possible ideas what may be happening? I'll attach some pictures. I would hate to have to lose the tree and cut it down as it shades out most of the yard and is a great shade tree in the summer. Thanks