ArboristSite Lurker
Found a ms650 piston for a good price & wanted to know if it would work just fine in the older 064 KS cylinder? Appreciate your info.
I have nos stihl ms650 laying around & wanted to know if it would work just fine in the older 064 KS cylinder? Appreciate your info.
The wrist pin bearing is the same from early 064/066 & the later 066/650,660 crankshaft so I figured it might be a direct swap.From what I remember at the time- around 2000 they introduced the MS640 to replace the 064- basically the same saw with the HD2 filter and housing the MS660 had, but in the smaller engine.
Again from memory, the 640 suffered from glance over sales because the retail was too close to the 660, so most folk chose the 660.
Around 2005 the 640 was rebadged into the 650 to perhaps seem like it was closer to the 660 and therefore deserved the close retail asking price? I also seem to recall there may have been a different crank main bearing used from 640-650 but without consulting paperwork- cannot be 100% on that one.
650 piston should- be a direct swap into an older 064 cylinder though I believe.