New to you two years old? If it's an 025 and not an MS 250 it's at least as old as 2001. The carb would be the easiest thing to look at. Carbs need to be retuned and adjusted more often than most folks think. It's possible it's been at the factory setting since new. It would need to be readjusted. You can do a search on this forum on how to do that, and there's plenty to ready.
You mention that it does this off and on. Is it dependent on the saw being cold, warm or hot?
I'd recommend trying the carb angle first. A retune, which is easy. And then a rebuild, which is also very, very easy. Carb kit should cost you about $12-$15. If that doesn't work, you need to start looking for airleaks. That's what I'd try next. Try the easiest stuff first.
Of course someone will probably get on here and say, "Oh yeah, that's a...." Give it time, and you'll ge more responses on here. Let us know how it turns out.