I put an ad on craigslist looking for a stove and had a guy email me with pictures of this stove. He wasn't sure what the stove was or what it would heat.
I have no idea what stove that is. You'd have to take a look inside of it to see if it is just an old smoke dragon, or if it has any secondary burner action with it, etc. Seems like there should be some identifying markings on it someplace.
Just want to mention to all that if you plan on home insurance with one make sure it has a UL label visible or is listed somewhere. I have a Clayton add on word furnace in my shop that I bought new in the 90's and when I looked into switching insurance companys they refused to insure or even give a quote with it in there. Current company never questioned it so I'm not asking them about it. Might be something to consider or think about.